Sunday 19 December 2021

Guilds and Demons (old abandoned pnp project) legacy post

 Guilds and Demons


1. Preface
2. Introduction
3. Roleplaying system
4. Skills and Classes
5. Walls of Jericho
6. Represented characters
7. The Demons of K'ra
8. Dg'undarr Seep
9. How to turn a blondie into lightning
10. A Kingdom Forlorn
11. Milestone


The Scrolls

All genuine and judicious philosophers have traced back things to their first principles, that is to say, those comprehended in the threefold division of Nature. The generation of animals they have attributed to a mingling of the male and female in sexual union; that of vegetables to their own proper seed; while as the principle of minerals they have assigned earth and viscous water. All specific and individual things which fall under a certain class, obey the general laws and are referable to the first principles of the class to which they belong. Thus, every animal is the product of sexual union; every plant, of its proper seed; every mineral, of the mixture of its generic earth and water. Hence, an unchangeable law of Nature regulates the generation og everything within the limits of its own particular genus. It follows that, with reference to their origin, animals are generically distinct from vegetables and minerals; the same difference exists respectively between vegetables and minerals and the two other natural kingdoms. The common and universal matter of these three principles is called Chaos.

Four are the elments contained in the world - fire, air, water, and earth, by the mixture and motion of which the forms of all earthly things are impressed upon their subjects. These elements have four qualities: heat, coldness, humidity, dryness. The first inheres in fire, the second in water, the third in air, the fourth in earth. By means of these qualities, the elements act upon each other, and motion takes place. Elements either act upon each other, or are acted on, and are called either active or passive. Active elements are those which, in a compound, impress upon the passive a certain specific character, according to the strength and extent of their motion. These are water and fire. The passive elements - earth and air - are those which by their inactive qualities readily receive the impressions of the aforesaid active elements. The four elements are distinguished, not only by their activity and passivity, but also by the priority and posteriority of their motions. Priority and posteriority are here predicated either with references to the position of the whole sphere, or the importance of the result or aim of the motion. In space, heavy objects tend downwards, and light objects upwards; those which are neither light nor heavy hold an intermediate position. In this way, even among the passive elements, earth holds a higher place than air, because it delights more in rest; for the less motion, the more passivity. The excellence of result has reference to perfection and imperfection, the mature being more perfect than the immature. Now, maturity is altogether due to the heat of fire. Hence fire holds the highest place among active elements. Among the passive elements, the first place belongs to that which is most passive, the most quickly and easily influenced. In a compound, earth is first passively affected, then air. Similarly, in every compound, the perfecting element acts last; for perfection is a transition from immaturity to maturity. Water acts on earth, and transmutes it into its own nature; fire heats air, and also changes it into its own likeness. Elementary fire and air, being naturally subtle, cannot be seen. Only two elements, water and earth, are visible, and earth is called the hiding-place of fire, water the abode of air.

Metals are nothing but Mercury digested by different degrees of heat. Different modifications of heat cause, in the metallic compound, either maturity or immaturity.The mature is that which has exactly attained all the activities and properties of fire. Such is gold. The immature is that which is dominated by the element of water, and is never acted on by fire. Such are lead, tin, copper, iron, and silver.Only one metal - gold, is absolutely perfect and mature. Hence it is called the perfect male body. The rest are immature and, therefore, imperfect. The limit of immaturity is the beginning of maturity; for the end of the first is the beginning of the last. Silver is less bounded bu aqueous immaturity than the rest of the metals, though it may indeed be regarded as to a certain extent impure, still its water is already covered with the congealing vesture of its earth, and it thus tends to perfection. This condition is the reason why silver is everywhere called by the Sages of Eldemar - the perfect female body. All other metals differ only in the degree of their imperfection, according as they are more or less bounded by the said immaturity; nevertheless, all have a certain tendency towards perfection, though they lack the aforesaid congealing vesture of their earth. This congealing force is the effect of earthy coldness, balancing its own proper humidity, and causing fixation in the fluid matter. The lesser metals are fusible in a fierce fire, and therefore lack this perfect congealing force. If they become solid when cool, this is due to the arrangement of their aforesaid earthy particles.


"Unless people possess an assured, sane psychological core, everything else is in jeopardy."
-Glenn Parton
In the age of multiplicity and exo-commerce, a call for simplicity, sense and understanding, is more than expected. And that which is missing, starts to appear. But does it possess, the true eternal essence, or is it just the next over-shined, over-smiling illusion, send by the trickster? Is the wolf in sheep's clothing, or worst - the wolf is belie, of another creature, disguised as wolf, dwelling between his two ears. All that's been said here remains what it is. And this book is a knife, designed to cut limb and break teeth. A tool of adventure, on which with a smile, I do invite thee. Entering these pages, written specially for you, dear reader, time stops. Breath holds. The mind expands. Various dots and lines, carefully assigned on their sly and virtuous task, held behind your eye, shall summon a beast, of matter unknown to your mind. Challenging your wits, and pulling you into battle with this greatest enemy, the enchanted symbols will make you suffer the fire and blizzard of Ragnarok. But fortunately, at the bare end of your life force, your glare will prevail, and the beast will be banished, trough countless invisible loops and corridors, back to the void, from which he emerged. If you dare too meet this opponent, please enter the green door of the following pages, or else... if you're still afraid to stand up and fight - this book, trough a bright flame, do return to its owner.

"I'm the breath that will fill your lungs, until the day you die."
-Bobby Blitz

Role-playing, is the oldest game on this rocky, wet, vaporous... and for luck, sunny place, as we mortal creatures call it - Earth. Role-playing is also the issue of this happy pieces of paper, turned by creative hand into from, recognizable as something useful, even entertaining. By what magick, and which wizard's hand, the first pen and paper role-playing books appeared, is quiet deep mystery. But one is for sure, the gods do approved them, and if I'm not mistaken... they do even play some. I am sure you know, the gods are pretty busy these days - organizing war matches, barter-market boring meetings, and countless phycho-trauma-diabolic-metaentertainments, for their beloved humans. And in between, somehow they find free time, to run role-playing sessions. How they manage? I conceive, they probably do skip from the school. Hah! Tricky bastards...

After considering the pureness of the Gods' souls, lets proceed to explain what this creature, with the inscribed fingers is. A Book, they call it! Yes, oh yes... a Book! Sounds so magical, grandiose and important! Like Pizza, or Universe, or... you got my point. I use to call it bridge. Because bridges are simple and more friendly. They don't make you think, or get emotional, they just help you to get from A to B. What a true friends, ah! So in this role-playing bridge (au... look at these girls), we will try to incorporate few natural laws, and to end with a marvelous in its essence, system of entertaining! The next are the most-important laws incorporated:

The law of simplicity - Connect all ideas, formulas and factors, on the same level the recipient (bridge-walker) thrive. Human species, part of which, I hope you count yourself, has a specific preferred level of understanding its surrounding world. Human thinks in meaning of collaborated ideas, like: Job, Climbing, Kitchen table, House, Dog, Friendship, and uncountable, diverse thousands of different ones. He does not like to use the deep factors constructing this collaborated ideas. This underlying our understanding factors are - the most basic forces of physics! They interact to create deviation in the protons and neutrons of molecules, of which everything is created(if we try explain it in science tongue). This deviation creates deviation on upper level (let's say function of a cell). Than the deviation of cell movements, creates deviation on upper - organ level. An in that manner we reach to the level where our minds can bring the reality to observable and understandable idea, like of Dog or a Kitchen table(totally useless item, except for running pen and paper role-playing sessions). Or how the same basic forces behind everything make you feel sad, or in love, or with headache. Right? Man likes to think - I am screwed, I am Happy, I am Tired, I will carve a useless kitchen table out of that oak, and so. The human, like a bridge, is simple. So we act accordingly. No over-crazy rules. No 54 side dices. No schemes comparable to NASA's shuttle science. Nothing more extraordinary, than peas and carrots. And no thousand toothed beasts. Sorry! ...Okay, just this one with the six legs.

The law of diversity - Expand all ideas, formulas and factors, on different levels, so the recipient (bridge-walker) does not get bored. Even simple as a bean, when it is looked fragmentally, human intellect holds more doors than one can ever expect. Yes, we like to think and talk of combined, not sophisticated ideas, but nevertheless, we love to touch all sides of the coin(or the girl). So how many sides a coin has? I would say uncountable. It differs every time you change the perspective, from which the coin has beep perceived. Up, down, from the front, the back, at 8" angle, at 13,4" angle... That's right... infinity. No, more, no less. So in that spirit, our bridge will be build by different in shape and color stones (or wood planks, if you prefer hanging bridges). So don't be surprised, to see, dear reader, sword wielding female characters, and skilled in the cloud arts, powerful men. And if you spot them, walking on this same bridge you are stepping, be quite sure... I put 'em there.


Roleplaying System
"Go feed the birds."
-Stalking Wolf

This bridge works simple. First you gather several friends, and find a comfortable place to play. Than, by the guidelines from this pages, all of your create symbolical and mathematical expressions, written on paper, of another human beings, who dwells in the realm of Eldemar - the fantasy world of this bridge. Then put yourself in the shoes of these called characters, controlling their intents and actions, observing the responds of the surrounding world, which are explained, using the bridge guide lines and the imagination of one of the players, who willingly takes this special role. If you want to have good time in this ream which you cannot touch, prepare yourself to talk a lot. Even when fighting! All abstract ideas of the ever present motion in the role-playing game, can be describes by colorful manner, from the players. The environment, the details, the thoughts, feelings... everything! With colorful described pictures, clear representations of the character's intention, and nice explanation, for the reactions of the environment, the energy motion of the role-playng realm, flows directly in your soul. It is better even, to improvise foolishly in tongue, than to stay and just throw dices. Where I know this? Two goats told me!

As we enter a role-playing state, right there occurs a need for someone to set the borders and values of our actions. Just like the physical laws set the value of your body motions, we need a similar entity to fix the experience of role-playing so it does not fly away or fall apart. This role of the almighty lawmaker is given to one of the players. We call, this master of everything that is going on - a Story teller. A story teller, because mostly he tells stories. Stories about what have just happened, what could happen, why it happened and most important, what is happening in the current moment. The Story teller is the person who using the guidelines of our humble bridge, to decide what happens in every situation, then he present his decision to the players in narrative manner. Why we don't call him narrator, then? Well you can... but you can call him also - the Bat, or Smookie, or Jako, or Melon, or thatfishymodafokabastardo that just dropped this heavy rock on my head... if you want. So, this always funny-named person, have all the power to create and destroy everything in the realm of Eldemar. By his shape and his will, even the rules and guidelines could be changed, if necessary. Well, I hope the last will not occur very often. If the Story teller goes mad, the game ruins, so this position is from great importance. If you want to create smooth and pleasurable experience while role-playing, all players need to conspire for this to happen. Everyone should enter the sub-realm with desire to play, and the Story teller should act with clear consciousness, willing to serve the common good of the game. However, narrating is great pleasure, also it is not a small burden. To be able to act as an omnipresent force in any realm, you must first know well that realm, than to ponder and realize, how an omnipresent force will act, and accordingly to what laws. Then you just follow this laws. Only in that way balanced game appears. As said little above, one of the players takes the role of a Story teller. And in this clothes, the same person should remain, until the end of the quest, or all sequel quests, if there is common storyline, that shound not be broken. Then, by decision of the players, another player might take his place. And as your dreams always come true, at this humble bridge we have, a Role-playing Story tellers! When you are taking the role of story teller, you don't have to leave your character out of the action. However in the role of Story teller, you know everything, and you command everything, it is not necessary to forsake you in-game persoange entierly inactive. It is enough simply, to leave the puzzle-solving and obstacle-implementation part of the game to the other characters, and just walk with them, bashing monsters here and there, making fun jokes, but not compromising the play, by your knowledge of the hidden matters. It works. After quest or two, or when it gets boring to throw stones at people's heads, another character take the turn to be a Story teller, and so on... It is important however to point that the whatever the story teller does in the game, even the most astonishing things, he takes only the lowest reward of Shinken points. Don't be pity, before you try it, even not fully rewarded, narrating is an awesome experience.

This are the wide-known mesurments in Eldemar.
Chun – Lenght, widely used in the medicine circles. Equials the middle section of the middle finger of the patient. It is spelled Zhi when in plurarl.
Mon'gu – The width of the hand with the five fingers pressed together. It is spelled Mong when in plurarl.
Elo'dae – The span from tip of thumb to tip of middle finger. It is spelled Elo'e when in plurarl.
Mest – Sole of foot, a foot length
Elo'mjen - Mesurment of human stride. Around meter and half. It is spelled Elo'mjun when in plurarl.
Thor – Arm, forearm. It is spelled Thur when in plurarl.
Wuda – The span of two extended arms. It is spelled Wudin when in plurarl.
Salvae – he distance a horse can maintain a gallop without feeling fatugued. Around three kilometers. It is spelled Savao when in plurarl.

Tulue – A handful. It is spelled Tolele when in plurarl.
Epit – ½ Sabin. It is spelled Epitte when in plurarl.
Sabin – ½ Melon. It is spelled Sab'van when in plurarl.
Mol – Unit of measurement for food(nuts seeds, dry fruit, dry meat), aproximately for four good meals(two days). It is spelled Meln when in plurarl.
Flot – Mesurment used to describe the weight of bag, that one can lift and carry with ease. Usually around thirty kilograms. It is spelled Lotte when in plurarl.
Vista – Mesurment used to describe the weight of full with goods mechant's bag, or common saddlebag weight. Around ten kilograms. It is spelled Visis when in plurarl.
Xinta – Measurment used to describe full loaded merchant's caravan. Around six hundred kilograms. It is spelled Cuxint when in plurarl.

Dae – One
Shu – Two
Kin – Three
Ai – Four
Vos – Five
Ven – Six
Mar – Seven
Ox – Eight
Ju – Nine
Dan – Ten

Even the word time, is more obscure than fata morgana, when we talk about pen and paper role playing games, and I do insist this to continue be that way, we need some measurement for perception of time while a battle between opponents is at hand. Lets think about what really happens in this situation. One being tries to repress the potential of action, of another being, commonly by willing to harm its vitality, which is a key point for any being to be able to change the reality around itself. By instinct or by will, most creatures try to defend themselves against action that could harm their vitality. And we all know from Sun Tzu, that: "Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack." Ruled by this wisdom, a creature will commonly try to harm its opponent if its feeling strong enough to do so... Some smaller beasts and humanoids, as also scared humans just run, but this is decision of the Story teller. Have in mind that even the smallest creature if pushed to the corner most likely will attack. And we get to the point where attacks are exchanged between beings, until the first or the latter, decides that it has succeeded to repress the actions of the other being by the level he desired, or the level the instinct drove it. Some bandits will like to kill you, other zen buddhists just to throw you on the ground, because you've been foolish to attack first. Happily in our bridge, Zen is not spread very much, thus most creatures won't spare your life. Now having the idea why battle occurs, lets think how to represent this natural dance of energies in the role-playing world. Intent of harm should be looked, and should posses value. Intent of protection should be looked, and posses value also. So here we got the Attack action and the Defense action. But how to estimate their value? We should look at the mechanism that the confronted beings use to manifest their intentions. This mechanism is mos cases - the movement, which directs different forces to act in favor of the being. Further we look into the nature of movement. What make movement more effective. How each different movements accomplish their aim, and what makes them fail. After considering this questions, we reach to the idea that most creatures use the energy which is traveling trough their bodies, twisting it and releasing it, in a manner which would lead to accomplishment of their Intent. So we represent the amount of energy a being can manipulate with, as Force, and we represent the accuracy, speed and elegance with which this fore is twisted and released as Virtuosity. To be executed in proper way, different type of movements and action require different ratio from this two attributes. Catching a flying rock, would require more virtuosity, as lifting heavy stone will require more force. Thus, we describe the most common battle movements - Attacks and Defenses, by ratio of virtuosity and force. Also, all being can improve the combination of force and virtuosity, for the actions they do very often. How this happens? Well, trough repetitive execution of some movement or thought(when we talk about arcane attacks and defenses) their subconsciousness gets the habit of performing that action with less effort. And when we have in mind that subconsciousness rules 95% of human bio-mechanical activities, and even more for the beasts and humanoids, we see how important is to train our subconsciousness for the success of our intents.  Now you might say that you feel, that you control everything in your world. And I can understand that. But if I tell you, that by training yourself to be in alliance with your subconsciousness, you can control 95% more!? Are you getting my point... You always feel that you control everything, but that everything can change its value. That's how people fly. So, to represent this subconscious training, we use its prehistorically old metaphor - the Skill. Skills will improve your actions, with Percentage value depending on their level. Also, when a being improves the dialog with its subconsciousness it opens doors to new ideas hidden in the subconscious plains, therefore it is available to understand, and consciously perform, brand new to its psyche, and more elaborate actions. This is the way a being learns things, it does not know before, without the aid of a teacher. Now as we have mathematical expression for the intents of the confronted beings, we need to find a solution, how to represent it in time-space manner. For the space we tale pencil and paper and draw two-dimensional representations of the beings involved in the conflict or situation, and their surrounding. We use symbol, like dots lines, or any their combinations. In simple tongue, we draw a representative picture id two dimensional manner of the magnate situation, and we  edit this picture, every time something changes its position in the space. For the representation of times we use the common term for a sequence - the Round. One round of actions may vary between 2 and 16 seconds, roughly.. This variable is assumed, depending on the number of actions, performed from the participants, through round. Advanced character will be available to perform more actions in the time of one round, so trough your game the time of your battle rounds should increase from few seconds to several and more. Make sure to remember, that standing and doing nothing, will drain one of your actions  if you have left. The number of actions character can perform per round is calculated based on his virtuosity. Be aware that if any characters runs out of action in the current round he remains inactive in a state of Zeit Knott, until all other players perform their actions. If a player in zeit knott is attacked, he is unable to defend. It is ridiculous to assume that someone would stay and watch being stabbed to death, and believe me this does not happen at all. The trick is, that the round need to finish, if the players want to get the full representation of what is happening. Remember that actions are not sequences in timeline, they are just mechanics to explain the real sequences of confrontation - the rounds. Once the rounds are completed, their full painting appears, and then every player can imagine, exactly how and when each action in the round has been performed. If a very inaccurate archer have more actions, than a melee fighter which is approaching him, from few dozens of Elo'mjun, with intention to harm, the representations, while calculating the outcomes of the round actions, will look like this:
The archer sooth, the bandit approaches
The archer sooth, the bandit approaches
The archer sooth, the bandit approaches( and here the bandit is left without more actions for this round, while the archer still has some)
The archer shoots
The archer shoots
The archer shoots (and here the archer also finishes with his actions, thus this round finishes, the players recover their action points, and new round is played)
It seems that the bandit stayed unmovable for the last three action of the archer, well in reality, nothing like this is true. Wen the round is finished, and we know the outcome(the bandit came several Elo'mjun closer, while the archer missed him with all his arrows), we can think how really this round was perform in the real space-time aspect. Most likely it will like like this:
The archer shooth, the bandit approaches
The archer shooth,
The archer shooth, the bandit approaches
The archer shooth,
The archer shooth, the bandit approaches
You see the difference, now the correspondence of all actions looks more homogenous, and not that rigid. that is because once more.... the action is not a time sequence looked from a perspective of our role-playing mathematics, the round is the sequence! Now as we know how a round flows, it is going to be helpful to know who acts in what order in the round, and how to calculate each participant's actions available trough the round. The arrangement of the characters for their position to act is determined by their Initiative which in value equals their virtuosity. Represented characters, have their own Initiative value, listed or created by the Story teller. If two or more, characters have the same Initiative, a dice is rolled per round, to determinate who will act before the other. The formula for number of actions available to perform by the characters is: 2 + 1/10 Initiative. This means that every being has at least 2 action per round. Once estimated the Initiative, the fastest character starts with performing one of its actions, in the furst turn of the round. If an opponent need to defend this action, it is allowed to do so, but it will cost him an action poit. Then the second in initiative value character performs desirable action, then the third, untill everyone performs one action. Again, every time a character is attacked he has the opportunity to defend itself, and if you stay and do nothing it will also cost you an action point. After everybody in the fight performs one time their actions, another turn starts with the most initiative character on the lead, until the last possible action is executed. When player runs out of action, he becomes inactive, and his turn is skipped for the rest of the round. When all action points of the characters are spent new round begins. Action window contains all the actions and movement done by a character, every turn, requiring one action point to execute, and mostly containing only one attack or defense plus movement, but sometimes skills can allow executing two action in the same action window, not draining more than one action points.  If any time consuming action, like the arcane skill resurrection, is executed during battle, the character looses one action, per time his turn to act comes. If, his actions perish, the performance freezes, waiting the other characters to finish their actions, and continues in the new round. The distance a character is able to travel for evey one action is measured in Elo'mjun. Every personal or represented character have one Elo'mjun basic movement. The skills Fury, Rush and Skinwalk can improve this value. Each movement along the battlefield if not combined with action requires 1 action point. When movement is performed togather with action it does not requre action poit. All instant spells require 1 action to be performed. Only the spell Time strech can be performed togatehr with an attack or defence, all other reuire separate action to be cast.


Force - The power one can channel through his own body
Virtuosity - The precision and proper execution of the channeled power
Vitality - The body health of the character
Jin - The soft energy used to channel arcane forces

Every character starts with:
4 - Force, 4 - Virtuosity, 100 - Vitality, 30 - Jin
Vitality is regenerated by 1 per six hours.
Jin is regenerated by 3 per hour.

Melee - Piercing/Slashing Attack - (2xF + 4V) + value% from skills
Melee - Crushing/Chopping Attack (5xF + 1xV) + value% from skills
Throwing Weapon Attack - (3xF + 3xV) + value% from skills
Bow Attack - (1xF + 5xV) + value% from skills
Crossbow Attack - 6xV + value% from skills
Unbalancing Attack -(4xF + 2xV) + value% from skills
Locking Attack - (1xF + 5xV) + value% from skills
Arcane Attack - (3xF + 3xV) + value% from skills 10% if your character is male

Evade (1xF + 5xV) + value% from skills + 20% if the attack is aimed to the head
Parry (3xF + 3xV) + value% from skills 20% if the attack is aimed to the legs and arms
Block (5xF + 1XV) + value% from skills + 20% if the attack is aimed to the torso
Balance Defense - (4xF + 2xV) + value% from skills
Locking Defense - (1xF + 5xV) + value% from skills
Arcane Defense - (5xF + 1xV) + value% from skills + 10% if your character is female

-Two handed weapons (except staves) cannot perform parry to attacks, coming from shorter their length weapons. Like trying to parry a dagger or fist attack with polearm or battle axe.
-You can try to parry with one of your bare hands while holding your two-handed weapon with the other.
-One handed spears cannot perform parry, unless trained in Spear Dance
-Whips cannot perform parry, except to attacks from spear or polearm, while the character has  the skill Whip Bite at level 3
-Throwing weapons cannot perform parry(except throwing axe) or if the character is trained in spear dance he can parry also with Javelins
-If you try to parry with bare hand against edged weapon, you have 50% chance to damage yourself while parrying even successfully. This chance could be compromised by Tie Shan skills. But if you wear armor on your hands, and do parry successfully, the attack damages the armor, instead of your arms.
-If you try to parry with bare hand against crushing attack, you take 50% of the damage, even if the parry is successfully. This could be compromised if you wear armor on your hands, than the damage done will be only 20% from the Bone crush rule.
-If you succesfully parry with weapon agains martial attack or animal attack, your weapon does full damage to the body part or the armor covering it.
-Attacks from bows, crossbows and small throwing weapons cannot not be parried, unless the skill Zanshin level 6 is aqured. A attacks from thrown axes, swords and javelins are able to be parried, even without Zanshin.

As the sight is one of the greatest gift for orientation given to the human being. If it is lost, or impaired, the actions taken by the individual would get more inefficient, as his main perception of the surrounding world is being dulled. There is three main moments where your character could get impaired vision. If something block his sight, in lack of light, or in mist. Depending on the factor how thick the mist is, how deep the darkness is, and what situational items may help the character see more clear, all his actions may suffer penalty. In full darkness, or impenetrable mist all action value(the overall value, after skill bonuses are calculated) is reduced by 90%. In partial darkness or partial mist, the value is reduced by 50%. But this is just a guideline for the Story teller. He can decide, that the certain combination of night time, full moon light, and thick forest, plus shadowy clouds above your head, roughly will decrease the characters action value by... 30 percent. Now, lets say the next moment, one of the characters lit a torch. This will improve greatly his view. But will it improve it for the left behind archer, who has been just attacked by ambush of a hidden in the underbush lynx? Definitely not. We hope that pity archer, has the skill Zanshin, which are the only available modifiers, of the penalty percentage thrown at the player by the Story teller. I approached to archer not by chance. lets consider another situation: You surprise some bandits while hey are sleeping at dawn time. There is moderate mist around their camp, you are attacking. The bandits wake up, from the not so careful steps of the butcher, who is one of the playing character. The surprise fails, and you face the bandits in melee. Well, lets consider that the archer from the lynx story got out alive, by some strange occurrence. Now he is again behind the main skirmish, and again looking for a clean shot. Well, what happens? As for the melee characters the mist is not problem, for the archer it is like a smoke curtain, and he could not distinguish who is enemy, and who is friend. So he is again in trouble, but at least this time, not from sharp teeth biting the but. No... I don't want to say that the archers are always screwed up. Please! I am just pointing how diverse this rule of Visibility can go. That's why for every separate action of every separate character, the Story teller must think objectively, how much his vision is impaired, an if he decides, to put a penalty of the overall action success by some percentage modifier up to 90%.

We call this way, all creatures who are controlled by the Story teller, except his personal character. All beast, humanoids, aliens or whatever, which you encounter fit in this group. The role of the story teller is to act from their perspective, in the most logical way. Let imagine you meet a rabbit on your path. Most logically the rabbit will try to run away, not jump ant bite your shoo lasers. But if you meet a pack of wolves, especially hungry ones, the san e logic speaks of danger. If the character is human or humanoids, then even more elaborated ideas would be included in its behavior, like trickery, profit, duty, respect, envy, lust, anger, dependent on the situation. And in that logical manner the Story teller should command the actions of all represented characters. Now lets see how represented characters are involved in battle. Every one of them should have the next attachments:

Categories (six categories of specific number values, needed to estimate the value of the represented character attack or defense)
Initiative (specific value for the Initiative of the represented character)
Actions (the number of action represented character can perform per round)
Skills (special skill that the represented character can posses)
Vitality (100 for humans, but beast and humanoids may have more or less than 100 vitality.)
Jin (if needed only)

No Force and Virtuosity calculation is needed for the represented characters!

Lets imagine the six categories as six boxes. Each box contains three numbers. One of these numbers should be chosen, then boosted by the possible skills the character has. This will calculate the final value of his attack or defense(which coud be modified only by Visibility facror). Let's say, that a represented character has in the different boxes the next values:

1st box <14, 22, 25>
2nd box <26, 28, 38>
3rd box <40, 41, 47>
4th box <49, 55, 61>
5th box <65, 71, 88>
6th box <90, 98, 106>

To estimate his attack or defense, first we have to pick one of the boxes. This is done by the Story teller, or any of the other players, by throwing a dice. Than we need to pick one of the tree values from the box the dice hit, so we roll a dice again. Lets imagine that we picked the number 61 from the 4th box. If the represented character is a Guard who tries to parry with his one-handed sword in this action for which we rolled 61, and he has skill which improves parry with swords by certain percentage, this number 61 is boosted by that percentage. if there is another skills that can affect positevely or negatevely they are also calculated The increased number is the actual value of the represented character action, and only Visability factor can change this.

I many of the actions performed in battle skills and factors will affect their values. The calculation boosting or debuffing in some situations, is the same for player characters and represented characters. The value of the attack or defense of the character is modified by the collective number of percentage increasing skills and factors. Lets imagine that the piercing attack of a player's character is calculated by the formula for piercing attacks to be 44. He is trying to stab with his dagger an enemy. The player's character has the skill Next to the bone, which improves piercing attacks by 10%, also another skill - Kidney seeker on level 2, that improves attacks with daggers by 20%, and third skill - Swift wind on level 2, which improves attacks with one-handed weapons by 20%. So the collective boost of all skills would be 10%+20%+20% = 50%. This improves the attack by half of its value which is 22. This is added to the basic attack value and the collective sum is 66. The attack of the personage in normal conditions would be 66. But let say the same personage has been under the influence of the spell Disruption level 1, which debuff attacks and defenses by 30%. Than his bonus to the basic attack will be only 50% - 30% = 20% which is exactly 8,8 in value. We round this number down to 8 and add it to the basic attack with now is not 66 but 44+8 = 52. There is only one way this finished calculation to be modified and this is the Visibility factor. Now lets propose that the fight is situated in corridor of a castle, where just few torches give light. It that case the Story teller decides how much the vision of the character is impaired and what penalty his attack will be modified. It this case the story teller assumes that the vision of the character is impaired by 10%. Lets propose also that the enemy of the character used the skill Dirty tricks level 2, and threw sand in the face of its opponent, impairing his vision for additional 20%. This means that the vision of the personage is impaired by the lack of light and sand together, by 30%. Only this factor modifies the already calculated final value 66 or 52, in the two different cases, described above. But what can happen! If the attacker is wounded, his attack can fail, even being superior in numeric value than the defense of the enemy! this is explained below...

Intention-Attention-High-Energy-Low-Tension, in short - IT  factor may lead to failure of character attacks and defenses. For every 10% Vitality loss, the character, suffers penalty chance of 1/6 its next actions to fail. this can stack up to six times. Two skills - Iron will and Neglection allow the IT factor to be compromised. The IT factor penalty remains until the character heals. So if you are wounded and you perform an attack, even being successful, when compared to the defense of the opponent, it could fail if the dice decides. Lets say you have 20% loss of your vitality. You try an attack and the calculation shows it is hitting the opponent. But you have 2/6 chance to fail any attacks, so you throw a dice and if the hit is 1 or 2, your action fails. Now, what if the opponent is wounded also? lets say he is wounded also for 20% of his vitality. His chas to fail in defense is also 2/6, but you already failed your attack against him, should he ever roll a dice? The answer is yes. Because if his defense is failing also, we have situation with two failed action, and we need to estimate an outcome. Let's propose that by the IT factor rule both attack and defender fail their actions. Thus the outcome will depend only on their estimated attacks and defenses, like thy were not wounded and never failed action, thus the higher in value movement will prevail. So have in mind that it it possible to hit and hurt an enemy which has great defense skill, hard to overcome for you, but is wounded. In that case no matter how strong his defense is, there is a chance for it to fail. Consider that, also the next time you attempt fighting with a weaker opponents, while wounded.

Item roll rule is the random variance by which you will find different in value items. As you find in a chest or on the still hot body of your enemy, an artifact or a weapon, the character who found it, should roll a dice to see what rarity this item is. Being Rubbish, Normal, or Exceptional. For rubbish, you throw 1, 2 or 3, for normal, 4 or 5, and for exceptional 6.
Rubbish is an item with damaged quality
Noramal are all items who still function and look in good condition
Exceptional are rare crafted items and artifacts of great beauty

Rubbish cannot be found in good looking chests, or one elite guards and opponents, in that case you roll 1-5 Normal, 6 Exceptional

All normal item can be purchased from a merchant, but the exceptional could only be found along your quests.

You can destroy the physical body a demon inhabit, but that wont kill him. If you want to damage its escense, you can use the skills "Cleansing" and "Shanlong's wing". Note that Clensing will not affect the human body, but only the arcane vitality of the demon who posses it. Exception is when the demon is metamorhosed in his dark form, than cleansing will affect his whole being, making it suffer observable changes, after baing damaged. Shanlong's WIng affect the physical realm anyway, so you wont be able to spare the dominated human being with this skill. Also there exist sixt unique weapons, long lost, from ages, but passing trough hundreds of quests and adventures, you might be lucky to encounter them. The  unique weapons are:
Shanlong's Claws(two pieces of hudie shuang),
Molten Soul(jian), 
Mirana Blade(pudao) 
Thunder Blade(naginata)

All are enchanted with Jin powers, thus they can hit and damage the demon, not only his human manifest. All five do amazing damageThe story teller should award players with with this extraordinary items, only in very special occasions.

Every character decides where to aim his attack, but that does not mean that after a try for defense, even unsuccessful the attack is going to hit exactly that place. It is very common, to go for the head, and after even unsuccessful parry or evasion, the attack to hit the torso of the opponent, doing damage. The storyteller decides what is the detail outcome of the encounter. Also the story teller decides where represented characters aim their attacks. He could if necessary throw a dice, which's numbers represent the human body parts - head, torso, left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm.

The human body is said to have 100 Vitality. If it is wounded, that force drop by value depending on the weapon used for the attack and the range of the values between attacker and defender actions. Basic damage would take around 10 of the body Vitality, Average - 20, Good - 30, Amazing - 40. If body health drops to 20% the character falls unconscious or in pain delirium. At 0% vitality death occurs. So if you hit an enemy through his armor for double amazing damage, this makes him collapse right away. Some beasts and humanoids have les or more than 100 vitality, but the percentage needed to reach for collapsing them is the same.

Sensing danger, or demon, or something wrong, usually is a skill with some chance to perceive something hidden from the background. Thus, this skills are mostly automatic, they are rarely performed by the characters, as request to the story teller, but the story teller by himself uses this skills to decide if a character perceives danger, as sneaking thief from behind, demon in disguise, and so on... The story teller throws a dice, without telling the players for what he is trowing it, and if the recognition is successful, only then he gives them the valuable information.

This is mainly meant to connect your character to your personality. Because there is uncountable list of skills attainable in the world, and our bridge is not as long as Mississippi goes, we will cheat the situation by putting the next rule, which states: Every skill, which is not amongst the skills set for learning in the role-playing world of Eldemar, is considered to be possessed at the same skill level from the character, as the player above. But have in mind, skill well explained and listed, like Riding or Climbing, do not take the effect of the rule of arts, it just works about the things that are missing. Very useful rule, and fun to be used, if you want to sing in the Tavern, taking the attention of the customers, while your friends are robbing the drunk Noble, sitting in the corner. Or maybe you would like to draw a painting and sell it for few gold pieces, to by booze... You can dance, or you can paint, or execute acrobatic tricks, or flush out air through your eyeball. Whatever you can, your character can perform it also. And this makes the things really nasty. I mean it from the bright side, of course. Imagine, you want to sing and take the attention of the these half-drunk mobs inside the Tavern with the Noble, during the Eldemar role-play. Well... go and sing! But in front of the story teller, with the song you compose, and the voice you own. So the story teller will be able to decide how well you catch the attention, and distract the people, just by listening to you(if he is able to concentrate, without rolling on the floor from laugh). Or maybe you are well trained in Parkour - than just show outside to your friends, that you can... lets say, run along a vertical wall for a second or two, jumping down and making swing with imaginable weapon. If you can do this in non-Eldemar reality, your Eldemar character will be able to walk on walls and perform whatever you do.

As we don't have a system, to estimate how much, and with what consequences the weight of the armor, backpack and everything carried, will affect the characters, this duty is thrown at the almighty Story teller. The idea is not to let ridiculous situations to happen, like - hunter carrying a slain pig to outrun the pack of wolves chasing him. Mathematical systems for that kind of matter, are bulky and inaccurate, but the imagination of a human person, is perfect to solve a problem, of that very familiar to daily life subject. Lets make clear that the attributes Force and Virtuosity are not accurate expression of physical strength and quickness, as one might think. Yes, a character with more force value is stronger, than one with less, but if the first has 1200 Force and the second 12 force, it does not mean in any way, that the first is 120 time stronger. This are just numbers welcomed here, to serve us as battle mechanisms and symbolical metaphors, nothing more. So, lets see how the Story teller should act, when a player overload himself. Firstly, is best to advise the character who is carrying too much, to try lighten himself. But if the he still wants to keep the items, a penalty will be necessary. Lets say, that we can close an eye for the weapons and armor worn, but for extra things, even too much food and water, I would suggest the Story teller to give some role-playing slaps. Let's propose, that this greedy thief really want to keep all the 30 kilos of gold and silver, stolen from a merchant's Guild's treasury. But you have to walk 60 savao, through dense forests and rising mountain hills, to reach a safe place where to hide the plunder. In that situation, a penalty like small back pain injury, decreasing the thief's attack and defenses by 20% for a day or two, will do well to keep the sane idea how much one can carry without consequences. Excuse me, but aren't that exactly, the horses domesticated for... Please buy one, they are friendly creatures.

Skills and Classes
"No amount of study,
No attendance in any school
Can teach one to be oneself.
Being is everything,
Being any thing in particular is
An illusion."
- from the Lost writings of Wu Shin

Shinken points are rewarded to the players in the end of the session, which they can use to raise a level of their skill. Every character starts with 98 Shinken points to distribute on skills, it had already learned. To raise a three leveled skill to level one, you need to spend 16 Shinken points. From first to second to level you need - 32 points, and from second to third 64 points. To raise a six leveled skill to level one, you need to spend 11 Shinken points. From first to second to level you need - 22 points, from second to third 44 points, from third to forth 88 points, from forth to fifth 176 points, and from fifth to sixth 342 points. If you desire you can spend not all your starting Shinken points and preserve them for later. After every role-playing session, the story teller rewards each player some Shinken points. For basic performance the player gets 8 points, for average - 16, for good, 24 and for amazing - 32. If the session has been too short (less than two hours), these points are cut in half.

Most skills have special time requirement, a period inside the game, that need to be spend learning them, and general cost, which you pay to the master involved in your training. If you don't have the coins needed, you can improvise, and create situation in which the master will be glad to learn you for free. But for that to happen, trickery, sharp mind and sometimes intrigue is needed. This is a thin rope to dance on, and you can find yourself easily in more trouble, especially if the story teller decides to make your journey more interesting. Also you can ask someone of your friends to teach  you skill that he already posses, without spending any coins for it. Alas, you both have to spend the learning time together. To spend time inside the game can be very fast actually. You just make agreement between the players, the ones who want to go and learn skill to do it, an the others to rest and wait for them, This way the story teller may transport you in time just for a second. Otherwise if a players, who don't have skills to learn right now decide, that they do not want to rest, and have more important things to do, the role-playing continues with them, while the training character, is busy, thus can't join them. While I hope, most of you will use the tricky way of transporting through time, have in mind that this fast movement can influence quest deadlines and to sped up running and upcoming events. So make sure your training period is set well between your chores.

The first step will be to choose a nation background for your character, next to choose class background and third, to fix your background skill with the shinken point available to spend. Before the beginning of the role-playing, you don't have to pay a master, or search for one, neither wait any time, to learn the skill. At the creation of your character, you decide which skills you have in your already background by spending your 98 Shinken points. You cannot choose Engineering for starting skill, it must be learned through the role-play.
To become available to learn, some skill will require, to raise your attribute values, or another skill to be learned beforehand.

You are able to choose your character amongsts of the eight big nations of Eldemar. Each different nation gives starting bonus of plus one level to different skills. Nevr mind you choose your background beforehand, the bonus is added after you decide where to spend your begining shinken points. So a character from Taraz who decides not to raise the skill Iron will with shinken points, anyway will get + 1 level bonus to this skill. Thus the skill being at level 0 will be raised to level 1. If the ame character decides to raise the skill Iron will to level 1, again he receive +1 level bonus, thus his skill will become level 2. It the same manner, he can decide to spend lots of shinken points and raise the skill to level 2, than the bonus will bring it to level 3.

Nationaliti bonuses:
Ekkas - Raising one level to Spear dance
Taraz - Raising one level to Iron will
Shasduel - Raising one level to Beastmastery
Lox - Raising one level to Sword's play
Jep'Ja, -  Raising one level to Riding
Vianess  - Raising one level to  Clenching fists
Mulkin - Raising one level to Climbing, Diving or Sprinting(choosed by the player)
Harken - Raising one level to Sink the breah

Here, you can choose one of the following classes as your background. Be sure your class to be tuned to the type of peronage you want to play in-game. Every class has two bonus skills, which your character will gain automaticly.

Baker - You want it, he provides it. Everybody is happy.
Baker's palm - Gives 30% bonus when you parry with your bare hand..
Forage's eye - Has 5/6 chance to find edible wild grains out in the fields.

Bandit - Mostly lone wolves. The guild's most severe enemy.
Fight or flight - The Bandit can determinate the power of a group of enemies.
Never alone - The Bandit can hire mercenaries for twice cheap prices.

Beggar - Used to the harsh life, the beggar could bare a lot.
Rat's art - Gives a 5/6 chance to disguise as totally harmless.
Rat's hole - Can really sleep anywhere, and go on days without food.

Bladesmith - If a sword is word for power - this is the man from which this power flows.
Razor's edge - Gives 1/6 chance to do double damage with edged weapons.
Bladesmithing - Knows well how to preserve, sharpen and repair weapons. And provided with a forge and iron, just give him few days... your sword will be ready.

Butcher - He is not always fat! ...but mostly.
Next to the bone - Gives 10% bonus to the attack value to his chopping and piercing melee attacks.
Corpse handler - Gives 10% bonus to throwing attacks and defenses.

Carpenter -  These days is hard to get this art without being connected to a craftsmen guild.
Mathematics - Gives 3/6 chance to resolve riddle, mathematical problem or to take the best tactical decision.
Repairman - Give him the proper material and he will repair your house, your wagon or table.

Courtesan - Take her, if you dare!
Charm - She knows the tricks, and how to perform them. Men fall in her games as easy as feathers.
Rumors - She can get all the new and rumors in the tows, just for a several minutes running around the inn.

Fisherman - Born at the sea, grown with the wind, the boat is his home, and Taja his lady.
Fishermen's knots - Knows variety of knots, also how to tie them fast and secure.
Point of entry - Gives a 2/6 chance to inflict double damage using one handed and throwing spears.

Fletcher - The shaft must be straight, feathers should be placed carefully, otherwise even the strongest bow will miss its target.
Shaft - Can use an arrow as a dagger with average damage
String it up - Can string and unstring a bow in just split second

Grave digger - No special skills are required. Neither intelligence.
Me shovel - Can use two handed steel shovels and picks as weapons, which gain in his hands, not irregular(basic), but good damage value.
Slow and steady - He can just dig all day...

Huntsman - He walk with the wind and stops, when you stop, waiting for the perfect moment to nail few of his ladies in your neck.
Thumb of iron - Gives 1/6 chance to release a second arrow in the same action interval.
Camouflage - Gives 5/6 chance to walk unsuspected(if alone or with other huntsmen) in forest areas.

Locksmith - Keen engineer, of the locking and unlocking mechanisms.
Dungeon master - Gives a 4/6 chance to unlock any dungeon door with special locking tools, or 1/6 chance with any simple iron wire.
Shackler's locks - Gives a 4/6 chance to unlock any shacklers with any simple iron wire

Logger - He can swing, and swing, and swing... can you?
Muscles - Gives 10% bonus to all melee attacks. Strong fellow.
Axemanship -  Gives a 3/6 chance to do double damage with two-handed axes.

Mason - True balance of emotion is needed to do what he does.
Mason's angle - Gives 1/6 chance to do double damage with all one-handed weapons. Knows very well how striking force travels trough the stone.
Mason's hammer - Gives 10 Force. Gives a 2/6 chance to do double damage with one handed maces.

Potter - Knows well the earth spirits, as he daily works with them.
Potter's wrist  - Gives 1/6 chance of successfully escaping a wrist gripping technique.
Immersed hands - Gives a 20 Jin

Rat catcher - Rat catchers can find a lot of work in the big cities.
Immunity - Gives a 3/6 to not catch any disease, or to resist poison.
Trapper - Gives a 5/6 to set a proper trap for small game.

Saddler - It is not as simple as you might think.
Saddler's craft  - Creates expensive saddles for 6 hours of work.
Saddler's carve - Inflict double damage with Kiridashi dagger.

Sailor - The unquenchable spirit to explore.
Swimmer  - Swims 2 times faster, than an ordinary man. The art to fight with the engulfing waves.
Evermap - Gives a 5/6 to find a your way in the sea without measuring tools, just by the stars and your sixth sense, even in the worst circumstances.

Scribe - Scribes are mostly of nobility, as the education needed to become one is not easy to get.
Thinking beyond  - Inscribe a full book for 3 days The art of scribe lies beyond the hand.
Honored visitor - Gives a  5/6 to find a door, and reason for invitation, at local or distant noble's home, because of his honored and useful craft.

Silversmith - Fine craftsmen, probably studied the craft long time in a guild.
Thin as a web - Creates fine silver jewelry for  5 hours of work. The silversmith surely has an eye for the detail.
Silver tongue - Gives a 3/6 chance to double the price of an item the silversmith wants to sell.

Spy - Usually female, infiltrated in enemy's castles, they know how to behave, and where to touch.
Spy's smile - Gives a 5/6 chance to cover even the most hard to bear emotions.
Spy's mind - See trough carefully kept secrets, lies and intrigues.

Stewsman - Artesian cook.
Magic flavor - Gives a  3/6 to successfully disguise the taste of  a poison in the meal.
Spicer - Gives a 5/6 to make even the worst food appetizing with some basic herbs and spices.

Storyteller - And there was two ragged men, who brought to the King a lost letter from his long disappeared daughter... You know this story? He surely does!
Never ending tales - The storyteller can attract attention of any stranger with his stories for up to one hour, plus rolling dice value of hours, calculated for every different attempt.
The same old story - Gives a 5/6  chance to conduct a lie, even caught and questioned by surprise.

Tailor - One of the most useful crafts, yet traditionally learned in a guild.
Tailor's eye - Gives a  3/6 chance to do double damage using crossbows.
Tailor's craft - Creates fine clothes for  3 hours, using the proper instrument of the craft.

Tanner - Bring it with the fur, he'll perform his magic. Just don't go in his workshop, it smells like hell!
Tanner's nose - He just can negate even the most disgusting smell. Dead, rotten, your mother stews, he just bears it.
Tanner's eye - Gives a 3/6 to inflict double injuries using dagger or knife. Cleaning skins is precise work.

Tar maker - Strong working type, standing always joyful, never complaining of the hard and dirty work.
Tar maker's pits - Digs 2x2 meter pit for 6 hours work, twice faster the ordinary man, without getting fatigue. Very useful skill, if you want to make a big trap, or winter storage for sweet potatoes.
Tar maker's flame - Gives  5/6 chance to make fire from scratch even in wet weather, just with flint stones and foraged tinder.

Thatcher - Crafted up, under the hot sun or harsh wind, the thatcher's straw roofs brings safety and warmth to your home.
Ladder master - Climbing  on ladders is 3 times faster, than unskilled
Twist and cut - Gives 10% attack value to all slashing attacks. Gives 10% attack value to all locking attacks and defenses.

Urchin - Being a poor and despite by society, the Urchin has a knowledge of the gutter life in the society.
Urchin's mouth - Gives a  2/6 chance to swindle or lie successfully.
Troublemaker - Gives a  1/6 scare an opponent just by showing off.

Watchman - Watching over the traffic from dawn to sunset, and even after, the watchman acquired sense and eye for troubles along the streets of the town.
Watchmen's ear - Gives a 4/6 chance to suspect what is happening in the conversation between two or more people, listening just to few sentences.
Watchmen's eye - Gives a  4/6 chance to feel if any suspicions act is going around the street-life of the cities


Climbing - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases Force by 1. Enables: Tree climbing, rock climbing, easy places.
2. Increases Force by 2. Enables: Normal danger wall and cliff climbing, round trees climb. Enables precisely throwing of rope with a hook, over a wall balcony or open window.
3. Increases Force by 3. Enables: Difficult walls, with minimal splits and cracks to use, also high towers, and dangerous cliff climbingEnables: Twice faster climbing of a easy places.

Diving - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases Force by 1. Enables: Holding your breath for 2 meters and going to depths of 10 metes.
2. Increases Force by 2. Enables: Holding your breath for 4 meters and going to depths of 20 meters.
3. Increases Force by 3. Enables: Holding your breath for 6 meters and going to depths of 30 meters.

Sprinting - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases Force by 1. Enables: Fast sprinting on short distances.
2. Increases Force by 2. Enables: Amazingly fast sprinting on short distances.
3. Increases Force by 3. Enables: Amazingly fast sprinting on moderate distances.

Riding - Need to spend a week learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are easily found in the big cities. Costs: 35 Silver, 3 Gold, 28 Gold
1. Increases Virtuosity by 1. Enables: Attack from a horseback with 50% attack penalty. Enables: Common maneuvers. Enables: Knowledge of the most common riding terms, explained below.
2. Increases Virtuosity by 2. Enables: Attack from a horseback with 20% attack penalty. Enables: Swift maneuvers.
3. Increases Virtuosity by 3. Enables: Attack from a horseback with 0% attack penalty. Enables: Riding and attacking while staying at different positions and angles at the back of your horse. Enables, jumping on the horseback from behind or the sides, with minimal use of your hands, and no need to use the stirrup. Enables: Taming wild horses.

Riding terms:
: Natural or artificial methods by which a rider communicates with his or horse. Includes one's voice, hands, legs, spurs and whip.
Artificial gaits: Gaits that have been taught. These are not natural movements and include, but are not limited to the slow gait and running walk.
Bit: The portion of the bridle that is placed in the mouth of the horse. The bit allows the rider to use the reins to control and guide the movements of the horse.
Blinkers: Shields that are attached to the bridle for the purpose of preventing distraction by hindering the horse's ability to see to the sides or look behind.
Bridle: Apparatus that is placed on the head of the horse for the purpose of controlling it. Attached to the bridle are the reins and the bit.
Broke-in: A trained horse that can be safely ridden.
Cadence: The rhythm that is associated with the stride of a horse.
Cannons: Refers to the horse's lower legs, from the knee to the ankle.
Canter: The gait of a horse that falls between a gallop and a trot and includes three hoof beats.
Dismount: When a rider gets off of the horse.
Dressage: Refers to the training of a horse to develop both its ability and physique.
Forefoot: A term used for the front foot of a horse.
Gait: The movement and speed of a horse. Gaits may be natural or artificial. Natural gaits include walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping.
Gallop: A fast gait that has four beats. During a gallop all four hooves are off the ground at one period.
Harness: Equipment that is used to attach a plow or carriage to a horse.
Hindquarters: A horses buttocks, upper rear legs, dock of tail, hips, and croup.
Lame: A horse that limps or is otherwise hindered in its movements due to pain or injury.
Mane: The length of hair that grows from the neck of a horse.
Mare: A term used to identify an adult female horse that is four years old or older.
Mount: The act of getting on a horse.
Near fore: The front left leg of a horse.
Near Side: A horse's left hand side.
Off fore: The front right leg of a horse.
Offside: A horse's right side.
Purebred: A horse that is bred from horses of the same breed.
Rein in: Pulling on the reins to bring a horse to a stop.
Reins: A strip that is attached to the bit to allow the rider to directly regulate the horses movements through the horse's mouth.
Remount: The act of getting back on a horse after falling or dismounting.
Saddle: A leather seat for riding that is fastened to the back of a horse.
Saddle up: To fasten a saddle on a horse.
Side-saddle: A horse riding position in which both legs are on one side of a horse.
Stirrup: A flat-based loop or ring hung from either side of a horse's saddle to support the rider's foot in mounting and riding.
Sound: A term used to describe a healthy horse.
Stallion: An adult, unsaturated male horse that is four years old or older.
Skittish: A nervous or jittery horse.
Tack: Accessories and gear used for riding, such as the saddle, bits, bridal, etc.
Unsound: A lame or unhealthy horse.
Walk: A natural gait that is also the slowest gait.

Engineering - Need to spend an year learning with for every level. Even if you have the amazing luck to find a master engineer it will cost you a lot. Level Costs:  6000 Gold, 15000 Gold, 27000 Gold.
1. Enables: The crafting of Teslana Torch.
2. Enables: The crafting of Tangris Mediator.
3. Enables: The crafting of Megalantor. Enables designing your own machines.

Teslana Torch
The Teslana is one of the most important fruits for the engineer. One fruit provied enough energy to keep a single torch for 16 hours lit. The Teslana Torch is sphere made of two parts. The bottom half-sphere is made usually from cast iron, coated from inside and covered with leather from outside. It can be divided from the upper part which is made of crystal half-sphere inducted by special method with Arkon's eye tincture. The Arkon is very deep water fish, thus its eyes see, differently than the earth born creatures. There is special circular module, in the base of the crystal, made of precious metal mechanisms, that serves to connect the power from the fruit to the torch. When one unscrews and pours the puree of one Teslana fruit inside the bottom part, than screw the two half-spheres together and the liquid puree connects with the module, a light in purple is emitted, which shines with the strength of five to seven big room candles, or one small torch. It can be used other acidic fruits also, but they give far less power. This kind of torches are commonly used in the halls of Kings and Emperors.

Tangris Mediator
The tangris is a fine tool crafted by just the top few of the Engineers. It looks like a giant egg, composed of different metallic rings, each 1/14 of its height. The top and bottom rings, also cover the top and bottom of the egg, by spheric curve. Driven by ingenious mechanisms of fine craft, that are the core of its power, the Tangris metallic circles rotates along the inner axis of the egg, thus changing the position of the inscribed on them symbols. According to the composition of vertical symbolic patters, one can read the state of the cosmic cycles, as also future weather behavior in the geographic area. Also all fine disturbances in the vital force and arcane state of the creatures nearby. This very special tool is usually kept outside in  the Emperor's mansion garden, and when it is not used is enclosed in leather and wood shell, protected from the elements. When an Emperor wants to read the mind of his visitors, he usually brings them outside at the egg, with some false reason, and secretly watches the readings of the egg upon their emotional state. This marvelous tool is driven by the light power collected from several great Cullnar Diamonds, always exposed to the sun, put on beautiful crafted columns, situated in close range at the garden. With underground wiring, the solar power collected by the Cullnar Diamonds, is transported and through its bottom it enters the core of the egg, to bring weave of energy for the work of the mechanisms inside. This means that the egg is useable only trough the daylight time. Anyway, the night is time for feast in the King's court, not for sky readings!

I hope all of you are very well knows with the Crichton Cross, the tool used by sailors to navigate all around the world. Well the Magelantor is just engineers application of the Crichton Cross at more sophisticated manner. It is a mechanical box, situated in the great cabin of a Emperor's ship. This box is connected trough wires to a triple Crichton Cross which stands on the deck. This cross is made of three Crichton Crosses enclosed in each other. The other shell is a rotating in different angles Crichton Cross made from special alloy with carefully measured holes and designated places. Inside it there is another Crichton Cross composed of two parts. The outer part is made of Galan Crystals and the inner out of Amosit Resin and Chulk fiber. The third most-inner cross is made of mechanisms, wiring and transmitting engines, enclosed in its own ally-based shell. All works remarkably simple. By the power of the Galan Crystal, the light in spectrum unseen by human eyes, but filtered by the compound of Resin and Fiber is caught trough the special measured holes, than transmitted to the most-inner core, where is transformed into mechanical signal and transmitted through wiring to the box in the great cabin. Here the brain of this machine reads the locations of the ship, shows it on the metallic map situated on its top, than sends a signal to the most outer shell of the Crichton Cross, so it rotates in the most favorable position for future readings. This great tool is powered by a tank full of salty water, which should be changed every two days. Special chemical are also added to the water, like Jell powder and Cripple sand.

Gold is mainly used for all of the engineer wiring.

You can become and engineer and acquire the knowledge of all this marvelous machinery, but for this you need the good eye of a master upon your training.
 Having in mind that there are just few dozens of advanced engineers in Eldemar, this is not an easy task.

Flintknapping - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases Virtuosity by 2. Enables: Crafting stone and mineral tools for five hours
2. Increases Virtuosity by 4. Enables: Crafting stone and mineral tools for one hour
3. Increases Virtuosity by 6. Enables: Crafting stone and mineral tools for twenty minutes

Herbalism - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Gives basic knowledge of the Eldemar's herbs and allows the production of all releifing remedies. Enables: To recoignize and find the wild eadible buffing plant(listed below).
2. Gives advanced knowledge of the Eldemar's herbs and allows the production of slow poisons(kills in 5 days). Enables: The production of slow poison antidote.
3. Gives expert knowledge of the Eldemar's herbs and allows the production of fast poisons(kills in 30 minutes). Enables: The production of all fast poison antidote.

The next is list of buffing plants and their values, when eaten fresh: Everebody, not only herbalists can be buffed. Buffs stack only up to three different plant sources.

Dandelion flower - Increases 10% attack for 1 hour. Can de found at: Open spaces, forests. Time: Middle spring to late autumn.
Dandelion leaves - Increases 10% defense for 1 hour. Can de found at: Open spaces, forests. Time: Middle spring to late autumn.
Stinging nettle - Increases 10% attack and 20% defense for 1 hour. Can de found in: Damp regions, forests. Time: Early spring to late autumn. Becomes mildly toxic after blossoms.
Ox eye dasy - Increases 10% defense for 2 hours. Can de found in: Open spaces, forests. Time: Middle spring to summer.
Wild onions - Increases 20% attack  for 30 minutes. Can de found in: Shady regions, forests. Time: Early spring to mid summer. The plant usually comes out of the ground very easy.
Cattail - Regenerates vitality six times faster for six hours. Can de found in: Swamps, marshes, around lakes. Time: All year around
Purslane - Increases 10% defense  for 30 minutes. Can de found at: Sunny open spaces. Time: Early spring to mid winter.
Pine needles tee - Regenerate Jin twice faster for six hours. The green needles should be soaked in hot water not boiled. Can de found at: Pine forests. Time: All year around.
Acacia blossoms - Increases 20% defense  for 30 minutes. Regenerates vitality twice faster for six hours. Regenerate Jin twice faster for six hours. Can de found in: Shrubby, sunny places. Hill forests. Coastline forests. Time: Middle to late spring. 
Seaweed - Increases 30% defense in spring, 20% at summer and 10% when gathered in autumn or winter....  for 30 minutes. Can de found at: Shorelines. Time: All year around.
Strawberry leaves - Increases 10% defense  for 30 minutes. Can de found in: Moslty forests. Time: From spring to leaf fall.
Lime tree leaves - Increases 10% defense  for 2 hours. Can de found in: Forests. Time: Early to middle spring
Sea kale stems - Regenerates vitality six times faster for twelve hours. Can de found at: Shorelines. Time: Middle to late winter.
Basil blossoms - Increases 20% defense  for 1 hour. Can de found in: Open fields. Time: Middle to late summer.
Calendula flowers - Increases 20% attack  for 30 minutes. Can de found at:  Open fields. Time: From summer to frost.
Sunflower petals - Increases 10% attack  for 1 hour minutes. Can de found at: Open fields. Time: Summertime.
Sunflower buds - Increases 20% defense  for 30 minutes. Can de found at: Open fields. Time: Midsummer.

Naturalism - The art to bind with nature. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Enables: To predict the changes in the weather
2. Enables: To orientate in wild places
3. Enables: To find food and shelter in the wilderness
4. Enables: Gives 50% bonus to all attacks and defenses two days before and two days after full moon.
5. Enables: To communicate with trees beasts and isects
6. Enables: To heal 10% of it Vitality per hour, by meditating in the outdoors.

Iron will - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Compromises the IT factor by 1.
2. Compromises the IT factor by 2.
3. Compromises the IT factor by 3.

Neglection - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Compromises the IT factor by 1.
2. Compromises the IT factor by 2.
3. Compromises the IT factor by 3.

Fury - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases Movement by 1 meter. Enables: 1 meter jump performed together with the attack. (at least 1 meter velocity behind is requered to execute the jump)
2. Increases Movement by 2 meters. Enables: 2 meter jump performed together with the attack. (at least 1,5 meters velocity behind is requered to execute the jump)
3. Increases Movement by 3 meters. Enables: 3 meter jump performed together with the attack.(at least 2 meters velocity behind is requered to execute the jump)

Rush - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. When executed, increases Movement by 2 meters, for the whole round. Enables: Performing another rush, after 8 rounds rest.
2. When executed, increases Movement by 4 meters, for the whole round. Enables: Performing another rush, after 5 round rest.
3. When executed, increases Movement by 6 meters, for the whole round. Enables: Performing another rush, after 2 Rounds rest.

Dual wielding - Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 12 Gold, 39 Gold, 92 Gold
1. Increases your parry while dual wielding by 10%. Gives 1/6 chance to attack with your off hand weapon, in the same action window of your main attack.
2. Increases your parry while dual wielding by 20%. Gives 2/6 chance to attack with your off hand weapon, in the same action window of your main attack.
3. Increases your parry while dual wielding by 30%. Gives 3/6 chance to attack with your off hand weapon, in the same action window of your main attack

Opportunity - Need to spend one week learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 7 Gold, 11 Gold, 16 Gold, 26 Gold, 43 Gold, 68 Gold
1. Gives 1/6 chance to add 30% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.
2. Gives 2/6 chance to add 30% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.
3. Gives 3/6 chance to add 30% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.
4. Gives 4/6 chance to add 40% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.
5. Gives 5/6 chance to add 60% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.
6. Gives 6/6 chance to add 80% value for the next attack over an opponent which's attack has just been successfully evaded.

Twist of hand - Need to spend a week learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 9 Gold, 15 Gold, 23 Gold, 36 Gold, 58 Gold, 102 Gold
1. Gives 1/6 chance of disarming opponent's weapon while successfully parrying.
2. Gives 1/6 chance of ignoring successful opponent disarm.
3. Gives 2/6 chance of disarming opponent's weapon while successfully parrying.
4. Gives 2/6 chance of ignoring successful opponent disarm.
5. Gives 3/6 chance of disarming opponent's weapon while successfully parrying.
6. Gives 3/6 chance of ignoring successful opponent disarm.

Grounded feet - Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Gives 1/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 30%
2. Gives 2/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 30%
3. Gives 3/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 30%
4. Gives 4/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 40%
5. Gives 5/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 60%
6. Gives 6/6 chance, to get grounded position while blocking, improving your block by 80%

Heavy Weight - Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 3 Gold, 8 Gold, 22 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with two handed weapons by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with two handed weapons by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with two handed weapons by 30%

Swift Wind - Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 2 Gold, 7 Gold, 18 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with one-handed weapons by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with one-handed weapons by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with one-handed weapons by 30%

Kidney Seeker Need to spend five days days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the assassins guilds and bandit groups. Costs: 1 Gold, 3 Gold, 14 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with daggers by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with daggers by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with daggers by 30% Enables: To perform attack from ambush, if the character's presence is not suspected, which could find a weak point even in armor with 18/18 deflection rating.

Axe Mastery - Need to spend twelve days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 9 Gold,28 Gold, 43 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with axes by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with axes by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with axes by 30% Enables: To perform a circular swinging attack with your two-handed axe hitting all opponents in the radius.

Mace Mastery - Need to spend a week learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 13 Gold, 36 Gold, 52 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with maces by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with maces by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with maces by 30% Enables: To perform a circular swinging attack with your two-handed mace hitting all opponents in the radius.

Spear Dance - Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 34 Gold, 66 Gold, 138 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with spears by 10% Enables: To parry with one-handed spears.
2. Increases your attack and parry with spears by 20% Enables To use two-handed spear as thrown weapon with debuffed attack by 70%
3. Increases your attack and parry with spears by 30% Gives 3/6 chance to attack twice with a one-handed spear in one action window.

Sword's Play Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 6 Gold, 16 Gold, 42 Gold.
1. Increases your attack with swords by 10% and parry with swords by 30%
2. Increases your attack with swords by 20% and parry with swords by 40%
3. Increases your attack with swords by 30% and parry with swords by 50%

Polearm Shadow - Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warriors guilds. Costs: 2 Gold, 7 Gold, 18 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with polearms by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with polearms by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with polearms by 30% Enables: To perform a circular swinging attack with your two-handed mace hitting all opponents in the radius.

Whip's Bite - Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the guard circles. Costs: 13 Gold, 19 Gold, 45 Gold.
1. Increases your attack  with whips by 10%
2. Increases your attack  with whips by 20%
3. Increases your attack  with whips by 30% Enables: To parry with whip against spears and polearms, giving this parry 4/6 chance to disarm the opponent.

Stunning Staff - Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts societies. Costs: 8 Gold, 11 Gold, 16 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with staves by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with staves by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with staves by 30% Gives 1/6 chance to find a weak spot and negate enemy armor while using piercing type attack with your staff

Eagle Wings - Need to spend eleven days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the warror guilds, bandit and assassin circles. Costs: 16 Gold, 33 Gold, 62 Gold.
1. Increases your attacks with thrown weapons by 10%
2. Increases your attacks with thrown weapons by 20%
3. Increases your attacks with thrown weapons by 30% Enables: To use one-handed speas, daggers and hatchet as a throwing weapons.

Clenching Fists - Need to spend twenty four days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the assassins guilds. Costs: 9 Gold, 17 Gold, 68 Gold.
1. Increases your attack and parry with fist by 10%
2. Increases your attack and parry with fist by 20%
3. Increases your attack and parry with fist by 30% Gives 1/6 to attack with the both weapons simultaneously which increases your overall attack by 50% and does damage from both weapons.

Sink The Breath - Need to spend a month learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the hunter circles. Costs: 25 Gold, 73 Gold, 122 Gold.
1. Increases your attack with bows by 10%
2. Increases your attack with bows by 20%
3. Increases your attack with bows by 30% Gives 3/6 to aim your arrows in that way, so they do double damage.

Devoted to death - Fights vigorously, with shouting and anticipation of victory or death. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Enemies will flee only if they see option to escape, otherwise they will continue fighting. Requires Iron will level 3.
1. Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 1/12 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.
2.Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 2/12 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.
3. Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 3/12 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.
4. Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 4/12 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.
5. Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 5/12 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.
6. Gives your successful weapon melee attacks 1/6 chance to drive fear in your human or humanoid enemy, making him to flee.

Choice of Surprise - Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the bandit circles. Costs: 8 Gold, 22 Gold, 45 Gold.
1. Increases your attack with irregular strikes (pommels, shields, punches, kicks, knee, head, elbow strikes, and all special martial art techniques) by 10%
2. Increases your attack with iirregular strikes (pommels, shields, punches, kicks, knee, head, elbow strikes, and all special martial art techniques) by 20%
3. Increases your attack with irregular strikes (pommels, shields, punches, kicks, knee, head, elbow strikes, and all special martial art techniques) by 30%

Body Knowledge - Need to spend three days learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the assassin circles. Costs: 75 Gold, 160 Gold, 220 Gold.
1. Gives 1/6 chance of inflicting double damage damage with all attacks
2. Gives 2/6 chance of inflicting double damage damage with all attacks
3. Gives 3/6 chance of inflicting double damage damage with all attacks

Dirty deeds - The dirt is the cheapest weapon, if you know how to use it. Need to find teacher and spend three weeks learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Teachers are commonly found in the martial art or assassin circles. Costs: 45 Gold. Throwing sand is considered as throwing weapon attack, with range of meter and half, which could be evaded by the opponent. Requires sand in the pocket or in pouch on your belt, or other easy place. Getting the dust rom your clothes and throwing it takes only one action, but if you need crouch and grab dust from the ground, this takes another action turn. Does not count when you are already thrown on the ground. Requires Virtuosity 5.
1. Enables: To throw sand in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 10% for one action
2. Enables: To throw sand in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 20% for two actions
3. Enables: To throw sand in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 30% one round
4. Enables: To throw sand in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 40% two rounds
5. Enables: To throw sand, or kick sand with your feet from the dusty ground in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 50% three rounds
6. Enables: To throw sand, or kick sand with your feet from the dusty ground in the eyes of an enemy, imparing his vision by 60% five rounds. Enables: To trow special herb and pepper mixture instead of dust, which will make the opponent not only blinded, but also sneezing which additionally will  debuff is attack by 50% for one round.

Advanced retreat - Uses gas boms and Koi blades to distract your opponent and escape danger. Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Teachers are commonly found in the martial art and assassin circles.Costs: 24 Gold,29 Gold, 33 Gold, 36 Gold, 45 Gold, 92 Gold. The gas bomb is based on chemical reacnions of pure sulphur, not gun poweder. Throwing Koi knives may be performed in sprinting situation, and while climbing. It takes only one action point to get your Koi out of your dress or belt and throw it. Requires Dirty tricks level 3
1.  Enables the creation and use of gas bomb, which unleashed will produce gas mist in area of 2 square meters, impairing the vision of all beings by 30% allowing the character to vanish. Gives chance to distract enemy, making him to loose his next 1 action turn, by throwing special, small four-bladed Koi knife at him. Enables to throw Koi knives at the ground or wooden floor. Each knife stuck into the ground( waiting the enemy to step on it) or thrown directly, gives 1/6 chance to distract the opponent, loosing its next action turn.
2. Enables throwing 2 Koi knives together. The gas bomb affects 3 square meters and impairs the vision by 40%
3. Enables throwing 3 Koi knives together. The gas bomb affects 5 square meters and impairs the vision by 50%
4. Enables throwing 4 Koi knives together. The gas bomb affects 7 square meters and impairs the vision by 60%
5. Enables throwing 5 Koi knives together. The gas bomb affects 9 square meters and impairs the vision by 70%
6. Enables throwing 6 Koi knives together. The gas bomb affects 12 square meters and impairs the vision by 90%

Beastmastery - The art to think primitive. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases all your attack and parry against beasts by 10%
2. Increases all your attack and parry against beasts by 20%
3. Increases all your attack and parry against beasts by 30%

Bird's eye - Improves your eyesight, allowing you to see far in the distance with detail. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Beastmastery level 2, Naturalism level 4.
1. Increases the range of your sight up to 1 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 30%
2. Increases the range of your sight up to 2 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 40%
3. Increases the range of your sight up to 3 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 50%
4. Increases the range of your sight up to 4 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 70%
5. Increases the range of your sight up to 6 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 110%
6. Increases the range of your sight up to 8 kilometer. Increases your attack with bows, Crossbows and throwing weapons by 160%

Kaimen - Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the bandit circles. Costs: 45 Gold, 68 Gold, 55 Gold. Requires 10 Force to start learning Kaimen.
1. Increases the damage you deal with martial attacks to Average. Enables you to use knees and elbows as a striking tool.
2. Increases the damage you deal with martial attacks to Good.
3. Increases the damage you deal with martial attacks to Amazing. Enables you to use shoulder, tights, or whatever part of your body as a striking tool. Useful in entrapped situations.

Zanshin - The art of awareness. Need to find teacher and spend three weeks learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in the martial art circles. Costs: 6 Gold
1. Increases Jin by 10 Gives 1/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 1/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks.
2. Increases Jin by 20 Gives 2/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 2/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks.
3. Increases Jin by 30 Gives 3/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 3/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks. Decreases the penalty for all actions performed in darkness or mist by 10%
4. Increases Jin by 40 Gives 4/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 4/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks. Decreases the penalty for for all actions performed in darkness or mist by 20%
5. Increases Jin by 50 Gives 5/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 5/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks. Decreases the penalty for for all actions performed in darkness or mist by 30%
6. Increases Jin by 60 Gives 6/6 chance of sensing near danger or strange occurrence in your surroundings. Gives 6/6 chance to respond to attacks coming from behind or any other surprising attacks. Decreases the penalty for for all actions performed in darkness or mist by 50%. Enables: To parry attacks from bows, crossbows, and light throwing weapons.

Nagewaza - Need to spend one moth learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial art circles. Costs: 10 Gold, 28 Gold, 66 Gold Requires 9 Force to learn Nagewaza
1. Increases Force  by 1. Increases your unbalancing attacks and defenses by 10%.
2. Increases Force  by 2. Increases your unbalancing attacks and defenses by 20%.
3. Increases Force  by 3. Increases your unbalancing attacks and defenses by 30%

Antei - Keeps you safer from slipping and falling in dangerous situations. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Zanshin level 2
1. Increases Virtuosity  by 3. Gives 1/6 chance not to slip or loose balance in standing, walking or running dangerous situations.
2. Increases Virtuosity  by 5. Gives 2/6 chance not to slip or loose balance in standing, walking or running dangerous situations.
3. Increases Virtuosity  by 7. Gives 3/6 chance not to slip or loose balance in standing, walking or running dangerous situations.
4. Increases Virtuosity  by 9. Gives 4/6 chance not to slip or loose balance in standing, walking or running dangerous situations.
5. Increases Virtuosity  by 11. Gives 5/6 chance not to slip or loose balance in standing, walking or running dangerous situations

Ukemi -  The art of falling. Need to find teacher and spend one week learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in the martial art circles. Costs: 12 Gold.
1. Gives 1/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 7 meters.
2. Gives 2/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 8 meters.
3. Gives 3/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 9 meters.
4. Gives 4/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 10 meters.
5. Gives 5/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 11 meters .
6. Gives 6/6 chance not to loose action after being thrown at the ground. Jumps safely from 12 meters.

Henso - The art of disguise and impersonation. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Gives 1/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.
2. Gives 2/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.
3. Gives 3/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.
4. Gives 4/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.
5. Gives 5/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.
6. Gives 6/6 chance to go unnoticed while using the proper disguise to melt with the crowd.

Shinobi -  The art of stealth and spying. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Gives 1/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed
2. Gives 2/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed
3. Gives 3/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed
4. Gives 4/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed
5. Gives 5/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed
6. Gives 6/6 chance to sneak behind unnoticed

Hara - The art of precise body movements, by using the proper breathing techniques.Need to spend one month learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles. Costs: 15 Gold, 15 Gold, 15 Gold. Requires 9 Virtuosity to start learning Hara.
1. Increases Jin by 10. Increases your evasion by 10%. Increases your balancing attacks and defenses by 10%
2. Increases Jin by 20. Increases your evasion by 20%. Increases your Increases your balancing attacks and defenses by 20%
3. Increases Jin by 30. Increases your evasion by 30%. Increases your Increases your balancing attacks and defenses by 30%

Hojo - Need to spend one month learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles. Costs: 65 Gold, 93 Gold, 128 Gold. Requires 11 Virtuosity to start learning Hojo
1. Increases Virtuosity by 6. Enables: To  immobilize disarmed enemy using rope to tie his body parts in locked positions, and bring him to the ground if he is still standing. The action uses the formula for locking attack. Improves your rope tying attacks by 10%. Decreases your knot tying time by 50%
2. Increases Virtuosity by 12. Improves your rope tying attacks by 20%. Decreases your knot tying time by 100%
3. Increases Virtuosity by 18. Improves your rope tying attacks by 30%. Decreases your knot tying time by 200%

Gatame - Need to find teacher and spend three weeks learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in the martial art circles. Costs: 36 Gold. Requires 8 Force and 8 Virtuosity to start learning Gatame
1. Increases Virtuosity by 3. Enables: to strangle disarmed enemy. The attack is performed in six subsequent actions, where the formula for locking attacks is used. If all actions are successful, the enemy is strangled. If one of the attacks fails, the enemy escapes the clench.
2. Increases Virtuosity by 6. Gives every successful strangling frame attack to improve the next one by 10%. (two successful attacks will improve the third by 20% and so on...)
3. Increases Virtuosity by 9. Gives every successful strangling frame attack to improve the next one by 20%.
4. Increases Virtuosity by 12. Gives every successful strangling frame attack to improve the next one by 30%.
5. Increases Virtuosity by 15. Gives every successful strangling frame attack to improve the next one by 40%.
6. Increases Virtuosity by 18. Gives every successful strangling frame attack to improve the next one by 50%. (two successful attacks will improve the third by 100%, three successful will improve the forth by 150% and so on...)

Mo Ca Bu - The art to keep the whole-body connection and whole-body strength while performing actions. Need to find teacher and spend one month learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally.. Trainers could be easily found in the martial art circles. Costs: 80 Gold. Requires 9 Virtuosity and Grounded Feet level 2
1. Increases Force by 4
2. Increases Force by 8
3. Increases Force by 13
4. Increases Force by 19
5. Increases Force by 29
6. Increases Force by 47

Fa Li -  Skill of releasing exception power trough understanding of the way the force travels. Need to find teacher and spend three months learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in the martial art circles. Costs: 380 Gold. Requires 15 Virtuosity, 35 Force and Grounded Feet level 4
1. Increases Jin by 10. Increases Force by 10. Gives 1/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: push-away 30kg object for two meters. (or 120kg object for half a meter).
2. Increases Jin by 20. Increases Force by 20. Gives 2/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: push-away 30kg object for three meters.
3. Increases Jin by 30. Increases Force by 30. Gives 3/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: push-away 30kg object for four meter.
4. Increases Jin by 40. Increases Force by 40. Gives 4/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: push-away 30kg object for five meter.
5. Increases Jin by 50. Increases Force by 50. Gives 5/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: push-away 30kg object for six meter.
6. Increases Jin by 60. Increases Force by 60. Gives 6/6 chance to do double damage with hand punch. Enables: Enables: push-away 30kg object for seven meter (or 210kg object for one meter)

Tui Shou -  The art to stay firm, as using the slightest gap in the defense of your opponent. Need to spend two months learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles. Costs: 70 Gold, 70 Gold, 70 Gold, 130 Gold, 130 Gold, 130 Gold. Requires Virtuosity 20 and Force 10
1. Increases Virtuosity by 10. Increases all attacks and defenses by 10 % (except arcane ones)
2. Increases Virtuosity by 20. Increases all attacks and defenses by 20 % (except arcane ones)
3. Increases Virtuosity by 30. Increases all attacks and defenses by 30 % (except arcane ones)
4. Increases Virtuosity by 40. Increases all attacks and defenses by 60 % (except arcane ones)
5. Increases Virtuosity by 50. Increases all attacks and defenses by 70 % (except arcane ones)
6. Increases Virtuosity by 60. Increases all attacks and defenses by 90 % (except arcane ones)

Tie Shan -  The art of conditioning your body vessel. Need to spend one month learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles.. Costs: 11 Gold, 26 Gold, 36 Gold, 200 Gold, 280 Gold, 390 Gold. Requires Force 10
1. Compromises some of damage taken while parrying with bare hands, reducing the damage penalty by 10 from 50%
2. Compromises some of the damage taken while parrying with bare hands, reducing the damage penalty by 30 from 50%
3.Compromises all damage taken while parrying with bare hands, reducing the damage penalty by 50 from 50%.
4. Reduces the damage done to your vitality by one grade
5. Reduces the damage done to your vitality by two grades
6. Reduces the damage done to your vitality by three grades. Enables: To perform block with both of your bare hands, instead of using a shield.

Mokuso - The art to act with empty mind and cold blood. Need to find teacher and spend three months learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Teachers are commonly found in the martial art circles. Costs: 75 Gold. Requires Zanshin level 3
1.  Increases Virtuosity by 5. Increases Force by 5. Increases Jin by 9
2.  Increases Virtuosity by 8. Increases Force by 4. Increases Jin by 13
3.  Increases Virtuosity by 11. Increases Force by 8. Increases Jin by 19
4.  Increases Virtuosity by 14. Increases Force by 14. Increases Jin by 31
5.  Increases Virtuosity by 19. Increases Force by 19. Increases Jin by 42
6.  Increases Virtuosity by 27. Increases Force by 27. Increases Jin by 69

Kuzushi - Expert unbalancing technique, using the position of the spine and head, to bring the opponent to undesirable position. Need to spend two months learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles.. Costs: 72 Gold, 86 Gold, 104 Gold, 140 Gold, 162 Gold, 310 Gold. Requires Virtuosity 35
1. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 10%
2. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 20%
3. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 30%
4. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 40%
5. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 50%
6. Improves all balancing attacks and defenses by 60%

Koshijutsu - Art of locking and inflicting pain. Need to spend one month learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles.. Costs: 102 Gold, 126 Gold, 171 Gold, 198 Gold, 209 Gold, 255 Gold. Requires Virtuosity 60
1. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 10% Enables: Locking of the wrist and joints attacks. Enables: Muscle locking attacks which are painful and make the opponent to loose one action plus the damage they inflict. They all use the formula for locking attacks.
2. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 20%
3. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 30%
4. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 40%
5. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 50%
6. Increases Locking attacks and defenses by 60%

Koppojutsu - The art to inflict damage to the body structure, in the most direct and fast way.Need to spend three months learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles.. Costs: 90 Gold, 110 Gold, 155 Gold, 180 Gold, 220 Gold, 265 Gold. Requires Virtuosity 35 and Force 55
1. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 10% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 10%
2. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 20% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 20%
3. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 40% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 40%
4. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 70% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 70%
5. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 90% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 90%
6. Increases all attacks(except arcane) by 120% Additional increases martial oriented attacks by 120%

Torite - The art of respond. Need to spend three months learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the martial arts circles.. Costs: 55 Gold, 165 Gold, 190 Gold, 245 Gold, 295 Gold, 380 Gold. Requires Virtuosity 90 
1. Gives 1/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 1/6 chance to allow second try to defend against rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.
2. Gives 2/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 2/6 chance to allow second try to defend against rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.
3. Gives 3/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 3/6 chance to allow second try to defend against rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.
4. Gives 4/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 4/6 chance to allow second try to defend against rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.
5. Gives 5/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 5/6 chance to allow second try to defend against, rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.
6. Gives 6/6 chance to allow, to use throwing attack against your opponent, in the same action window of your balance or locking defense, but only if the defense is successful. Gives 6/6 chance to allow second try to defend against, rope-tying, lock or unbalancing attacks in the same defense window.

Meta-knowledge - Knowing the language of the arcane opens many doors. Need to spend two weeks learning for every level, with someone acknowledged in these skills. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 98 Gold, 155 Gold, 362 Gold520 Gold, 690 Gold, 1085 Gold. Requires at least two skills raised to third level.
1. Regenerate Jin by 8 per hour.
2. Regenerate Jin by 13 per hour.
3. Regenerate Jin by 18 per hour.
4. Regenerate Jin by 25 per hour.
5. Regenerate Jin by 33 per hour.
6. Regenerate Jin by 52 per hour.

Oversight - By attending into meditative state, enables you to see in remote, hidden and distant places, all along Eldemar, like you are right there. Need to spend one month learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 20 Gold
1.  Requires 18 Jin per second.
2.  Requires 12 Jin per second.
3.  Requires 9 Jin per second.
4.  Requires 5 Jin per second.
5.  Requires Jin per second.
6.  Requires 1 Jin per second.

Arcane vision - Increases your sense for a demon. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Zanshin level 2
1. Give you 1/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.
2. Give you 2/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.
3. Give you 3/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.
4. Give you 4/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.
5. Give you 5/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.
6. Give you 6/6 chance to recognize a demon, metamorphosed as a human or a best.

Cold embrace - Embracing the cold, letting it inside you, its damage perishes. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Iron will level 2
1. Withstands temperatures of - 11 Celsius
2. Withstands temperatures of - 16 Celsius
3. Withstands temperatures of - 20 Celsius
4. Withstands temperatures of - 33 Celsius
5. Withstands temperatures of - 52 Celsius
6. Withstands temperatures of - 70 Celsius

Fire embrace - Merging with the fire it is no more harmful to you. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Meta knowledge level 5, Neglection level 3, Mokuso level 3
1. Withstands temperatures of + 70 Celsius
2. Withstands temperatures of + 160 Celsius
3. Withstands temperatures of + 450 Celsius
4. Withstands temperatures of + 600 Celsius
5. Withstands temperatures of + 1000 Celsius
6. Withstands temperatures of + 2200 Celsius

Connection - Merges with other beings vibration levels - Instantly entering the soul of the being, seeing clearly how it feels with great detail, for the current the moment. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. Requires Meta-knowledge level 2. Requires 35 Jin to cast.
1. Gives 1/6 chance for Connection
2. Gives 2/6 chance for Connection
3. Gives 3/6 chance for Connection
4. Gives 4/6 chance for Connection
5. Gives 5/6 chance for Connection
6. Gives 6/6 chance for Connection

Disruption - Using your mind power you have chance instantly to disrupt an enemy. If successful, his current and next round attack and defenses will be debuffed by certain percentage value. Also your enemy movement in the current and next round will be half less. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Meta-knowledge 3. Requires 25 Jin to cast.
1. Gives 1/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 30% debuff.
2. Gives 2/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 40% debuff.
3. Gives 3/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 50% debuff.
4. Gives 4/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 60% debuff.
5. Gives 5/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 70% debuff.
6. Gives 6/6 chance of disrupting an enemy, for - 80% debuff.

Power surge - Gives chance of your next attack or defense to be successful never mind the calculations. If power surges properly (successful attempt), this burn your momentum energy, so the next three rounds you cannot attack, and your all defenses are half of their value. Successful surge also drains all of your Jin, no matter how much it is. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Requires Meta-knowledge level 4. Requires minimum 35 Jin for cast.
1. Gives 1/6 chance of successful power surge.
2. Gives 2/6 chance of successful power surge.
3Gives 3/6 chance of successful power surge.
4. Gives 4/6 chance of successful power surge.
5. Gives 5/6 chance of successful power surge.
6. Gives 6/6 chance of successful power surge.

Mental strength -  Increases the character's mental power. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.
1. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 10%
2. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 20%
3. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 30%
4. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 50%
5. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 70%
6. Increases your arcane attacks and defenses by 90%

Arcane breath - The ability to hold your single breath for extended periods of time.Need to find teacher and spend two months learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in the mage circles. Costs: 20 Gold.
1. Holds your breath for 10 minutes.
2. Holds your breath for 30 minutes.
3. Holds your breath for 1 hour.
4. Holds your breath for 3 hour.
5. Holds your breath for 12 hours.
6. Holds your breath for 2 days.

Weakness - Gives a chance instantly to distort the energy of an being, causing it to fell ill and dieafter time, if it does not find a magician to perform a cleansing. Need to find teacher and spend two weeks learning only for the first level, the next levels are said to be gained naturally. Trainers could be easily found in mage, circles. Costs: 380 Gold. Requires meta-knowledge 4. Requires 120 Jin to cast. If the affliction fails, the spell returns back to the caster(in different power - Jin sucking not sickening), draining its remaining Jin, and preventing it to regenerate for six hours. If the affliction succeeds, it stops your Jin regeneration until the victim suffers the illness. If it cures, all your Jin immediately depletes. Upon death or curing of the victim, your Jin starts its regeneration again.
1. Gives 1/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 7 days before dies.
2. Gives 2/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 3 days before dies.
3. Gives 3/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 1 days before dies.
4. Gives 4/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 6 hours before dies.
5. Gives 5/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 2 hours before dies.
6. Gives 6/6 chance to afflict the victim, which will decay for 30 minutes before dies

Cleansing - Gives chance of cleansing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Also does damage to demons. Need to spend three months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 166 Gold. Cleansing does affect demons! It could be used as an offensive attack against them, but not against any other being, the cleansing does damage. Requires Meta-knowledge 2.Requires 50 Jin to cast.
1. Gives 1/6 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 1/6 chance to do Average damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.
2. Gives 2/6 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 2/6 chance to do Average damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.
3. Gives 3/6 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 3/6 chance to do Average damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.
4. Gives 4/6 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 4/6 chance to do Good damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.
5. Gives 5/6 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 5/6 chance to do Good damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.
6. Gives 66 chance of removing instantly a mental disorder, weakness, illness, or any arcane affection. Gives 6/6 chance to do Amazing damage to a demon if used as offensive attack.

Shanlong's wing - Instantly creates whipping burst of pure energy in a form of a crescent, sending it at designated direction, doing vital damage. It is around half cenimeter in height, and its width depends on the choice of the character - It can vary from 50 cm to 6 meters. Need to spend five months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 2700 gold. Shanlong's wing pierces trough armor. It also does affect Demons! Requires Meta-knowledge 5, Mental strength 5. Requires 15 Jin per 50 cm width of the wing.
1. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 1 meter,  with range of 12 meters, doing Average damage to everything it passes trough.
2. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 2 meters,  with range of 14 meters, doing Average damage to everything it passes trough.
3. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 3 meters,  with range of 17 meters, doing Good damage to everything it passes trough.
4. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 4 meters,  with range of 21 meters, doing Good damage to everything it passes trough.
5. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 5 meters,  with range of 26 meters, doing Good damage to everything it passes trough.
6. Sends a weave of energy with maximum width of 6 meters,  with range of 30 meters, doing Amazing damage to everything it passes trough

Berserk -  Drives madness into enemy's psyche. Need to spend five months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 590 Gold Requires Weakness level 3. Requires 55 Jin to cast.
1. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 1/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after 36 minutes, holding it in that state for 1 minute.
2. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 2/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after 24 minutes, holding it in that state for 2 minutes.
3. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 3/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after 19 minutes, holding it in that state for 5 minutes.
4. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 4/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after 12 minutes, holding it in that state for 12 minutes.
5. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 5/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after minutes, holding it in that state for 28 minutes.
6. Instantly seeds anger into the heart of a being, which seed has 6/6 chance to drive the being into madness, and uncontrollable destruction after 30 seconds, holding it in that state for 40 minutes.

Resurrection - Bring the crazies back to life. The ritual takes one minute to be cast and needs direct contact with the dead body. Need to spend one month learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly found in the magician circles. Costs: 144 Gold. Requires Meta-Knowledge 6. Requires 100 Jin to cast full Resurrection and 50 Jin to heal a wound.
1. Gives 1/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 2 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Average damage wounds for 1 hour of ritual intervention.
2. Gives 2/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 6 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Average damage wounds for 30 minutes of ritual intervention.
3. Gives 3/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 14 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Average damage wounds for 20 minutes of ritual intervention.
4. Gives 4/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 25 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Average damage wounds for 10 minutes of ritual intervention.
5. Gives 5/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 38 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Good damage wounds for 3 minutes of ritual intervention.
6. Gives 6/6 chance to bring a fallen friend back to life, not after more than 62 minutes beyond his death. Enables: To Heal Amazing damage wounds for 1 minute of ritual intervention.

Bless - Instantly rearranges the vibrational patterns in a creature's body increasing its attacks and defenses. Need to spend one week learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are commonly found in the magician circles. Costs: 200 G Requires Meta-knowledge 3. Requires 110 Jin to cast.
1. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 20% 5 minutes.
2. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 30% 7 minutes.
3. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 50% 11 minutes.
4. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 80% 25 minutes.
5. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 110% 40 minutes.
6. Increases the target's attack and defenses by 200% 60 minutes.

Air walk - Defies gravity, and allows to run in the air, if like stepping on invisible platforms. Need to spend two years learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the martial art circles. Costs 550 Gold. Requires Hara level 3, Mo Ca Bu level 3, Meta-knowledge level 2
1. Requires 20 Jin per second.
2. Requires 18 Jin per second.
3. Requires 14 Jin per second.
4. Requires 7 Jin per second.
5. Requires 3 Jin per second.
6. Requires Jin per second.

Sacrifice - Sacrifice your vital energy for favor of another one. Need to spend two weeks learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the martial art circles. Costs 260 Gold. Requires Body-knowledge level 1Meta-knowledge level 3. requires 40 Jin to cast.
1. Instantly sacrifice up to 10% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 2 meters.
2. Instantly sacrifice up to 20% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 5 meters.
3. Instantly sacrifice up to 30% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 11 meters.
4. Instantly sacrifice up to 40% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 18 meters.
5. Instantly sacrifice up to 60% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 36 meters.
6. Instantly sacrifice up to 80% of your vital energy, transferring it to person in the distance of 70 meters.

Time stretch - Istantly stretches the time, allowing you to act more effectively. Need to spend two months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 1400 GoldRequires Meta-knowledge 6. Requires 190 Jin to cast.
1. Stretches the time for two actions increasing your attack and defenses by 60% (except arcane ones)
2. Stretches the time for one round increasing your attack and defenses by 90% (except arcane ones)
3. Stretches the time for two rounds increasing your attack and defenses by 150% (except arcane ones)
4. Stretches the time for three rounds increasing your attack and defenses by 190% (except arcane ones)
5Stretches the time for four rounds increasing your attack and defenses by 240% (except arcane ones)
6. Stretches the time for five rounds increasing your attack and defenses by 370% (except arcane ones)

Teleport - Wraps the reality around you, thus not moving your body, but only adjusting the reality perception. In blink of an eye you found yourself at the at the designated place. You must be able to see the place while teleporting. Need to spend six months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs:  9300 Gold. Requires Meta-Knowledge 6.
1. Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 8 meters away.
2. Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 20 meters away.
3. Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 50 meters away.
4. Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 90 meters away.
5. Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 150 meters away.
6Teleport yourself and your belongings up to 260 meters away.

Telekinesis - Using soft force deviates the location of an item with speed. Need to spend six months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs: 1550 Gold. Requires Meta-knowledge 6. Requires 1 Jin, per kilogram, per second, to withhold the telekinesis.
1. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 10km/h.
2. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 20km/h.
3. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 30km/h.
4. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 50km/h.
5. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 70km/h.
6. Enables moving of the object of telekinesis with speed of 90km/h

Fade - Instantly moves your body vibration to higher pitch, thus fading partially from the material world, ascending into higher plains. Need to spend eleven months learning with someone acknowledged in these skills, only for the first level, the next are said to come naturally. Trainers are found commonly in the magician circles. Costs:  580 Gold. While faded, your skin shines extremely strong in purple and yellow, and your perception of the world is in different colors. The body does not feel pain in this form, and your character cannot be affected by the IT factor. Also all wounds done in wile faded, never mind they will look perfectly real, are just illusion. After returning from the fade, you will witness no wounds at all and no harm of your vitality. Requires Meta-knowledge 6. Requires 200 Jin to cast.
1. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 1 round.
2. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 2 rounds.
3. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 3 rounds.
4. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 4 rounds.
5. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 5 rounds.
6. Fades, preventing all damage done to you for 8 rounds. Enables: To fade another being which you touch, or had just made arcane connection with.

Skinwalking - Instantly transforms you(without your belongings) into beast, losing the possability to use any weapons or martial techniques, and arcane sources, but increasing your basic attack values. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally.When skinwalking, all your attributes remain the same, and all possible skill bonuses are added when fighting. When transformed, cannot be affected by special martial techniques, like locking the wrist, tying with a rope or throwingWhile unable to cast spells(except oversight, connection and air walk), the Skinwalker can be affected and defend against mental and arcane attacks(bless, berserk, atc...) When transformed, the character gain all the abilites of the animal(Night vision, ability to fly, temperature resistance, atc...) When desired the character, can return to his human form. Requires Naturalism level 5, Connection level 5. Skinwalking does not require Jin to be performed.
1. Transforms you into a beast with aproximetely your size, increasing your basic attacks 20% and your evasion by 60% Gives + 2 movement
2. Transforms you into a beast with aproximetely your size, increasing your basic attacks 50% and your evasion by 100% Gives + 4 movement
3. Transforms you into a beast with aproximetely your size, increasing your basic attacks 80% and your evasion by 160% Gives + 6 movement
4. Transforms you into a beast with aproximetely your size, increasing your basic attacks 170% and your evasion by 340% Gives + 8 movement
5. Transforms you into a beast with aproximetely your size, increasing your basic attacks 310% and your evasion by 620% + 10 movemnt
6. Enables to transform into small and medium birds, fish and smaller animals, but reduces your attacks defenses and vitality by 90% or even more, if considered by the story teller. Although, increases your evasion by 900%

Command - Gives chance to instantly drive a creature which is under the effect of your arcane connection, to execute action of your will. Does not require a special master from whom to learn this skills, neither coins or time. It is assumed that the skill is gained naturally. Every unsuccessful attempt decreases your chance for further success by 1/6, and has 3/6 chance to break the connection. Requires Connection level 5, Mental strength 5.
1. Gives 1/6 chance for success
2. Gives 2/6 chance for success
3. Gives 3/6 chance for success
4. Gives 4/6 chance for success
5. Gives 5/6 chance for success
6. Gives 6/6 chance for success

Walls of Jericho
"There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones, and mine."
-Mikhail Tal

Thousands of generations passed after the Walls of Jericho were sunken into the see by Gods' will. At former times, Jericho was the most richest region in Eldemar, with land spreading over 3,800,000 square kilometers of mountain ranges, and small valleys. The hearth and the blood of this exquisite place were not its beautiful nature, and high peaks, neither the abundant animal life dwelling in its hands, but the hidden beneath its surface precious metals - Iron, Copper and Gold, which were to be found nowhere in that quantity at all the land, except there. Like compromise for the poor of ore, especially copper and iron ore, far lands, the heart of the Great Earth, where Jericho was spreading its ranges, was full with riches. Victim of human desire and greed, this land turned to be center of all ancient conflict, led ever in Eldemar.  The predecessors of the Eight Nations changed their turn to occupy, hold and exploit this marvelous land. Firstly, someone took for a while, the wealth in their hands, but soon after, another thirsty for wealth army, besieged the lands, claiming Jericho's ores. In return, the Gods wold let the occupants suffer the same, likewise what they've inflicted, manifesting the arrival of more pillaging legions towards the rich Jericho. Thus, somewhere in between the blood and the black sorcerer arts which rose at that time, a giant wall has been bruit, to protect the safety of the conquerors. Legion fell both defending, and trying to overcome this never ending stone barrier. Bones were scattered to the eight corners of the wall. And still... Jericho, was changing rulers, Kings and Emperors, who were doomed to fell, after a while, never mind how much higher and higher every of them built the wall. In the end the Gods were bored of this ever present theater, they wanted to rest. Thus send the Shanlong to do its task. From the earth he brought fire, from the waters of the oceans, mighty elementals rose, roaring with their war cries, claiming Jericho for themselves. The Great Earth, between all the coeans, in which's heart Jericho was raised, split in two and let its most beautiful child to fell into oblivion, swallowed by the water beasts, never seen forevermore. From the hearth of the Great Earth, the Gods left were only the high peaks, which we know today as the Great Isles, to remind us of their deeds with awe. The rich  mines, together with the short kind who dug them, disappeared forever, extinguishing all fire of war, returning humanity to the bone and stone, once more.

Thus in present times obsidian, leather, rope and bone tools are widely used. Unlike Iron, Gold and Silver a quite common metals, especially in Auranox. All the Gemstones, being rare, are high valued and perused by many. Mainly Gold and Silver coins are used as trade units, but special size gemstones and copper tokens occasionally are traded between the nobles. One Gold coin is valued as 40 Silver ones. Copper and platinum are extremely rare. Due to difficult extraction Aluminum is quite rare also. Obsidian is abundant. Ebony, Iron and Ivory, are called - The trinity of wealth, thus many fine prestigious weapons are crafted exactly from them. Wine is always cheaper then stronger ferments. Also meat is abundant especially fish on the coast.Gardening is not that common, farming also. Even the bakers go to the abundant wild plains to forage their grains. In the colder regions livestock is being raised but at warmer climates hunting prevails.

Approximate Price Table. Expensive to cheap, from top to bottom.
  • Copper
  • Platinum
  • Aluminum
  • Gemstones
  • Steel Armor
  • Steel Weapons
  • Steel Tools
  • Books
  • Ebony
  • Bows
  • Iron
  • Ivory
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Weapons
  • Obsidian
  • Textiles
  • Drugs
  • Leather
  • Remedies
  • Pottery
  • Herbs 
  • Drinks 
  • Foods

Foods Prices:
#Fish 1 Silver
#Steak 2 Silver
#Cup of Milk 3 Silver
#Handful of Nuts 4 Silver
#Fist of bread 5 Silver
#Several Fruits 6 Silver
#Vegetable Soup 7 Silver
#Intestine Soup 8 Silver
#Liver 9 Silver
#Ribs 11 Silver
#Stew 12 Silver
#Vegetable Salad 18 Silver
#Handful of Seeds 22 Silver
#Sprouts Salad 29 Silver

Drinks Prices:
#Mug of Wine 4 Silver
#Saro of Tea 7 Silver
#Jig of Fruit Ferments  Silver
#Mug of Mead 11 Silver
#Mug of Ale 18 Silver

The Jigs are small wooden cups around 70ml, used for drinking strong alcohols.
The Saro is wooden bowl usually around 250 ml, commonly used in Eldemar.
Every alcohol drink depletes 10% of your Jin.
Saro of Tea restores 10% of your Jin. This effect can only occur once every five hours.

Remedies Prices:
#Shell of Sinker's paste - Relieves itches and slightly helps wound recovery - 35 Silver
#Shell of Pals powder - Soothes burn wounds - 1 Gold 3 Silver
#Shell of Vio'su powder - Mixed with water and applied to the eyes relieves sunburn and snowblind damage. - 2 Gold 24 Silver
#Shell of Trakolak powder - Stops bleeding and helps wound healing substantially - 3 Gold 10 Silver
#Antidote potion(snake venom) -  6 Gold, to 30 Silver per potion. Cure for about  1-2 hours. Pain and unpleasant feeling might be felt during the curing process.
#Antidote potion(herbal slow poisons) 14 Gold per potion. Cure for about 7 hours.
#Antidote potionherbal fast poisons)  32 Gold per potion. Cure for about 25 minutes. It is possible to feel dizzy after consumption.
#Immune boost potion - Increases your chance to resist any disease by 5/6. But drains 20 Jin when drunk. - 4 Gold

The shells involved here are usually with the capacity of around 25 ml

Drugs Prices:
#Dosage of Rarmaz - 7 Gold 20 Silver
#Dosage of Tupal - 11 Gold
#Dosage of Zabrail 18 Gold

There is three common drugs:
#Razmaz - Made from the plant Guie, from his still green seeds, one dose of this sniffing powder, and you gain 20% to all attacks for one hour.
#Tupal - Made from liver of small freshwater snail. Pink liquid that you should drink (or should drink not) - Hits you straight in the mental body. You collapse and your Jin diminishes by 80%. Well, you see amazing patterns of the the spirit that moves trough all things, but that's all.
#Zabrail - Expels all bad emotion and fears for three hours. Regenerate Jin twice faster.

Overdose and aftermath: Your Jin regeneration is diminished by 50% for one day after the drugs active duration expires. If you take additional dose in that period, the next aftermath duration is doubled. If you take again, it is tripled. If you continue, you have for every next dose, 50% chance to drop dead somewhere in the middle of your trip


A tools of everyday life, needed for hunting, defense... or offense, weapons are owned even by the kids of Eldemar.

Weapons have four types of attack - Piercing, Slashing, Chopping and Crushing. Each type of attack has different attribute calculation and armor deflection values, as also hidden esthetic aspect.

Swinging attack from a sword could be both slash or chop attack, thus the player decides what kind of action his character likes to perform. Just be cautious not to try to pierce your opponent with your hatchet, it is a bit impossible.

There is four grades of damage weapons and attacks can do - Basic, Average, Good, and Amazing. Average is twice Basic, and Good is twice Average... so you can assume that Amazing is four times Basic.

Irregular attacks (kicks, punches ,shield bash, shovel, chain, pommel attacks, and so on....) are counted as Basic damage attacks.

Obsidian weapons have the nasty habit to be damaged when hit harder objects. Thus in that cases they loose one grade of their damage power for every harsh encounter with stone or steel.

Exceptional weapons give one grade of power to the Normal variation of the weapon. Rubbish weapons diminish one grade. Amazing is not the maximum cap of possible damage, it is just a value. It always can be done more amazing damage. So, strike from Exceptional Claymore lets propose, will do slightly more damage than strike from Normal Claymore. You can count it as Amazing plus one, as all damage grades have values of one, two, three or four, if looked more mathematically.

Next  we go to the weapon market. This are the basic prices around Eldemar, which could variate, depending on the choice of the story teller.


Wood, bone and stone weapons do only 30% of its damage to armor.
  • One-handed - Average damage
#Alice tooth hatchet - 14 Gold. Melee range.
#Turtle bone hatchet - 3 Gold 22 Silver. Melee range.. Melee range.
#Obsidian hatchet - 4 Gold 16 Silver
#Shark-toothed sword - 11 Gold. Melee range.
#Shark-toothed whip - 6 Gold  28 Silver. 1,5 meter range.
#Wooden club - 33 Silver. Melee range.
#Bone club - 3 Gold 18 Silver. Melee range.
#Bone lance - 4 Gold 30 Silver. 1,5 meter range..
#Short staff - 1 Gold 35 Silver. 1 meter range.
  • Throwing
#Obsidian boomerang - 2 Gold 19 Silver. 35 meters range ( - 10% attack for every 5 meters above 35) Basic damage.
#Bone javelin - 1 Gold 36 Silver. 25 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 25) Average damage. Can be used in melee range as lance.
#Obsidian javelin - 1 Gold 36 Silver. 25 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 25) Good damage. Can be used in melee range as lance.
#Round stone - 5 Silver. 15 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 15) Average damage
  • Two-handed - Good damage
#Bone spear 9 Gold. 2 meters range.
#Stone hammer 2 Gold. 1 meter range.
#Bone axe - 6 Gold 20 Silver. 1 meter range.
#Long staff - 3 Gold 10 Silver. 2 meters range.
#Huge stone club - 2 Gold 28 Silver. 1 meter range.
#Hunting bow 18 Gold. 30 meter range( - 10% attack for every 10 meter range above 30)
  • Special - Amazing damage
#Composite bow - 175 Gold. 50 meter range( - 10% attack for every 10 meter above 50)
  • Irregular - Basic damage
#Bone dagger - 34 Silver. Melee range.

  • Daggers - Average damage
#Pugio 180 Gold. Melee range.
#Khanjar 210 Gold. Melee range.
#Billao 90 Gold. Melee range.
#Parazonium  190 Gold. Melee range.
#Janbiya - 150 Gold. Melee range.
#Bichwa - 240 Gold. Melee range.
#Hunting Knife - 90 Gold (dagger). Melee range.
#Kiridashi - 55 Gold (knife, slashes good, cannot pierce effectively - basic damge piercing attack) Melee range.
  • One-handed - Good damage
#Tiger claws - 190 Gold (fist weapon). Melee range.
#Katar - 330 Gold (fist weapon). Melee range.
#Xiphos - 360 Gold (sword). Melee range.
#Hudie shuang - 290 Gold (sword meant to be used in a couple). Melee range.
#Cinquedea - 340 Gold (sword). Melee range.
#Kodachi - 280 Gold (sword). Melee range.
#Jian - 390 Gold (sword). Melee range.
#Flail - 120 Gold (mace). Melee range.
#Bastard sword - 220 Gold. Melee range.
#Mace - 90 Gold.Melee range.
#Lance - 80 Gold (spear).Melee range.
#Spike club - 20 gold (mace). Melee range.
#Hatchet - 95 Gold. Melee range.
#Crossbow - 140 Gold. 20 meter range ( - 10% attack for every 10 meter above 20)
  • Throwing
#Dagger - 75 Gold 10 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 10). Average damage. Can be used in melee range as normal dagger.
#Axe - 129 Gold 15 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 15). Good damage. Can be used in melee range. Can be used in melee range as hatchet.
#Javelin - 96 Gold 25 meter range ( - 10% attack for every meter above 25). Amazing damage. Can be used in melee range, as lance.
  • Two-handed - Amazing damage
#Spear - 130 Gold. 2 meters range.
#Crossbow 260 Gold. 40 meter range ( - 10% attack for every 10 meter above 40)
#Battle axe - 450 Gold. 1 meters range.
#Pudao - 820 Gold (polearm). 1,5 meters range.
#Naginata - 900 Gold (polearm). 2 meters range.
#War maul - 1700 Gold (mace). 1 meter range
#Estoc - 1100 Gold (sword). 1,5 meters range.
#Claymore  1300 Gold (sword). 1,5 meters range.
  • Miscellanea
#Steel Headed Arrow - 2 Gold
#Koi Knife - 2 Gold


The armor is considered the sign of status in most societies, so you might see even in a peaceful city, a Noble proudly wearing his full composed armor at the streets.
Commonly when I refer to the word armor, I mean to point at the combined effect of all worn armor pieces. Every peace of armor gives specific value armor rating. The combination of armor ratings, called deflection rating is taken as chance out of 18 to deflect an attack. Lets say you have two pieces of armor. The first gives you 1 points of armor, the second 2. Together this makes 3 armor rating. So your chance to deflect attack is 3 out of 18. Rolling three dices will show if the attack is deflected.

When attacks is deflected by the armor, it hits actually the protected place, and if it is with average or better damage strength, the attack does damage to the armor. If the attack is with basic strength, the armor suffers no penalty to its deflection rating.  Every deflected hit decreases the deflection rating of your combined armor rating by value depending on the type of attack(piercing,slashing... ect.) led against the defender, multiplied by onetwo or three - depending on the damage of the attack(average, good, amazing).

Types of attacks and their armor deflection decrease:

Piercing - 1 decrease
Slashing - 2 decrease
Chopping - 6 decrease
Crushing - 0 decrease

Average damage - 1 multiply(stays the same value).
Good damage - multiply by two.
Amazing - multiply by three.

If a Slashing attack does Amazing damage, it decreases the armor's deflection rating by 6.
If a Piercing attack does good damage it decreases the the armor's deflection rating by 2.
If Chopping attack does Average damage it  the armor's deflection rating by 6.

Pierce rule: Piercing attacks has 2/6 chance to pierce through the armor's defense.
Bone crush rule: Crushing attacks do 20% of their damage even through the armor.

When the armor(as I said to be understood, of the collective armored pieces worn) suffers penalty to its deflection rating, it does not suffer construction deformation as whole unit. The construction deformation is suffered by the piece where the attack had stroke. As explained by Crushing the skull rule, you may aim your attack at every part of the body, but the story teller is the one who decides where the successful attack hit the defender, so by his assumption(or rolled dice), is decided where the armor will be deformed. Only in the case, where the opponent have no sufficient actions to use as defense, or is attacked by surprise, thus have no time to perform action, you automatically hit exactly at the desired place. Thus even if the inactive victim has 17/18 armor deflection, if you aim your attack at its unprotected place(this 1 point missing in the armor deflection, means that there is a unprotected spot at the body), you always succeed to harm its vitality. This rule is valid also when a represented character attacks you. In the situation where the collective armor suffers damage, it remains with decreased deflection until the deformed armor piece is repaired or replaced.

Types of Armor:

Masula Armor - Made from the strong fibers of the plant Masula - each piece gives 1/18 deflection (common in the Great Isles, rare to be found in the continents)
Leather Armor - Made from thick leather - each piece gives 2/18 deflection
Kusari - Cloth covered by chain armor and small steeel plates - each piece gives 2/8 deflection. It could be easily be hidden under another layer of clothes.
Composed Armor - Masula or leather armor, covered with steel plates - each piece gives 3/18 deflection
Metal Helmets - Fine crafted and expensive armor for your skull - all variety of helmets give 3/18 deflection

Types of PiecesHead - Chest - Shoulder - Arm - Hand - Legs

Armor Prices:
  • Masula
#Head - 5 Gold
#Chest - 7 Gold
#Shoulder - 3 Gold
#Arm - 2 Gold
#Hand - 2 Gold
#Legs - 4 Gold
  • Leather
#Head - 11 Gold
#Chest - 15 Gold
#Shoulder - 7 Gold
#Arm - 5 Gold
#Hand - 5 Gold
#Legs - 9 Gold
  • Kusari
#Head - 35 Gold
#Chest - 80 Gold
#Shoulder - 28 Gold
#Arm - 38 Gold
#Hand - 34 Gold
#Legs - 36 Gold
  • Composed
#Head - 43 Gold
#Chest - 59 Gold
#Shoulder - 24 Gold
#Arm - 24 Gold
#Hand - 65 Gold
#Legs - 50 Gold
  • Special
#Metal Helmet - 170 Gold
#Buckler - 6 Gold - Gives you the opportunity to block.
#Targe - 14 Gold - Gives you the opportunity to block. Increases your Block value by 10%
#Cetratus - 32 Gold - Gives you the opportunity to block. Increases your Block value by 20%

Represented Characters
"What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now!"

  • Sea Pirate
Bandits. Rude. Merciless and brutal. Ofthen drunk.
You can hire them at moderate price.
  • Desert Dog
Used to the hot sun and long travels, this mercenary can be usefull companion and guide.
You can hire them at chep to moderate price.
  • Plains Riders
Organized cavalry of ruthless bandits. Very dangerous and unpredictable.
You can hire their group, usually of 12-20 members, but only if you have the guts to take this double edged knife in your hand, and solid amount of gold to offer.
  • Assassin
Quick and dirty mercenaries. No morals, neither rules they cherish.
Offer them good price and you'll have the job done.
  • Adventurer
Common quest companion, usually to be found drinking in the Inn, ready to start his journey the next morning, with heavy hangover. You can hire them cheaply, or even talk them to join your cause for free.
  • Hunter
Masters of the bow and stelth. Hunters are irreplacable helping hand in the forest.
You can hire them at moderate price.
  • Thief
First class bastards. Snakes with eagle eyes. They can bring you any well kept item, even if they have to stel it from their mother's house.
Just make sure oblidge them with modrate to good amount of gold for that favor.
  • Spy
Rare mercenary. Usually connected to different guilds, they are not just walking on the streets, offering their hand.
Prepare to pay them well for the information you need.


Castle Watchmen
Possibly rude, and usually bored to handle all small problems, they get angry pretty easy.

Noble Guard
You can see them always wearing their weapons and armor, proudly guarding the noble's lands. This guards, won't let you enter easy.

King Guard
Trained in the art of death, the King's guard will sacrifice his life gladly.

Emperor Guard
Silent as stones. Fast as foxes. Every your movement, has been watched.

Guild Guard
Common working men in guild's clothes, defending someone else's property. Usually many in number are hired, for their lack of fighting skill.

  • Raklak 
Dwelling in groups of ten and more, at the Ursavox tundra the Raklaks are ugly creatures, with hair all over their body. They have short legs, lumpy bodies, big mouths, small covered if fur ears, and long strong legs with long claws, which they use to dig the ground. They are also seen attacking in groups, the mighty Goofon, climbing on its back, and using their strong claws like drills, piercing and biting ferociously at the neck of the grazing giant, until the powerful creature losses enough blood and falls strengthless, or until too many of the attackers die under its smashing feet, than the left alive would run in retreat.
  • Abatwa
Livng in the savannas of Auranox, this primitive humanoid kind have mastered the ambush with a spear, and however it size of not more than meter and thirty it runs with astonishing speed, performing leaps up to two meters. They have human like appearance, usually with more roundish bellies and always bright yellow long hairs. The abatwas live in tribes up to thirty-five or forty members, hunts in daylight by groups of not less than ten, prowling in the high grasses. For their height, the abatwa show great courage. If fed and well, they start to play games of dangerous kind. Stalking and slapping an animal on the ass, than running as fast as they can is their common fun. Also hanging by their legs on a branch, which almost holds their weight, or hunting with bare hands poisonous snakes. Even, not few die in this games, this seems not to worry the tribes, and the more the danger, the more happy they are to perform this entertainment.

  • Zhugendo
Kindred of the deer, they call themselves, and you might think they are. With human bodies but deer skins, this wise creatures can be found in both forest of Auranox and Ursavox. They are very keen in stealth and hiding, not appearing too much in human sight, but sometimes they would decide to pay a visit to a troubled traveler, and give him an aid. Except the deer skin, they have small deer tails and long brown hair, starting from the middle of their skulls, and running in line, wide around seven centimeters goes along the back, vanishing slowly to the taibone. Their heads are more rigid, and their noses a little bit bigger, but the legs hands and other characteristics absolutely human. The always know the language to the creature they want to help, and eve if it is deaf, they can communicate only with thoughts. The Zhugendo will never speak of themselves, they will appear when you need help, do a small favor, to get you at least to safety, and will disappear the same way they came. It seems that their kind is not afraid of nothing, even death, since they were coming to help immense times to cursed or berserker creatures, which attacked their savior, and even killed them, but then two more Zhugendos  would came, and help the creature cleanse itself, most commonly bringing it to the cool pools of the underground forest caverns, where all fire spells are being extinguished in a minute.
  • Verbljud
The legends says that the Verbljudes were once humans, from advanced civilization, but their magicians, found a way to communicate with the Shanlong. Then, all who spoke to him, fell under the mighty presence of this mythical creature, loosing their minds and devoting their souls to his service, accepting his offering of immortality. After most of the people of this once great civilization went under the influence, the trade stopped, the cities started to ruin, and in less that few hundred of years there were no sign of the previous might civilization. The Verbljudes spread all over Eldemar, some in the deserts, some in the mountains, in the river and the oceans. Some still fly above the clouds. After their flesh bodies were changed to more lighter variation, they had the chance to shape themselves in various shapes. Some liked to deform themselves like a grains of sand, than when a traveler passed along the desert road, they would jupm at his face, making him choke and cough, with filled by sand eyes. This was considered very entertaining by the Verbljud, because he was in no need of food, water and sleep anymore, he could perform every foulness he wanted. The water Verbljudes loved to surprise leisure swimmers, pull them by the leg into the depths of the rivers or coasts, and just when the poor man or woman reaches the highest level of frightment, they will leave free their leg, and even push them again to the surface. Nasty is the nature of the Verbljude. It is said that before he allied with the Shanlong, the moon was green, full of grasses, but from boredom, several Verbljudes traveled there and grazed all the grass, leaving the moon pale as we see it today. God creates, the Verbljud destroys, smilingly would say the old magician. But the magician, not like the ordinary people, is not afraid from the Verbljud. He very well knows the nature of the Shanlong, and the Verbluds only serves him, thus they wont harm anyone. However it is commonly to have encounter with Verbljud and dint recognize him, sometimes gatherings of Verbjludes are seen. When the moon is full, you might spot them by the river side, transformed into high humanoids, with long hairs, performing their sacred Verbljud dances around a fire, singing loudly. In that moments, they are very friendly, and even if they smell you, and they would, their sense of smell is incredible, you will be left to watch them, without being victim to any of their tricks. But, don't stay too long, anyway, there is Verbjluds there... you never know!
  • Acac
With dark red skin and long hands these tribal humanoids roam the great forests of western Auranox. Thin and long, usually moving on four legs, they are great tree climbers, and can leap very accurately,from branch to branch. Their heads are also prolonged and slim, with dark brown and very thick long hairs, grown usually together, andconverging almost half of their naked bodies. They feed on nuts and plants, living in the roots of the trees, caves, or gather together in the night to keep themselves warm. Their tongue is very slow, low-pitched and deep. The accacs are very durable creatures. Even for their average two meters, they have mass only of sixty or seventy kilograms. Not one or two reports are been given, to nail an Acac with seven arrows or more, and he still will be leaping from branch to branch, like before. But in this dangerous forests of Auranox, you need to be fit to survive even a night, and for sure you need extraordinary vitality to live there and breed.
  • Sumbal
The Sumbals live in the taiga of norther Auranox, they are fairly short white-skinned humanoids, which are resistant to the low temperatures. They have pale long hair, short but prolonged ears, to able them hear in kilometers, small stretched eyes, light blue in color, with thick grayish-blue eyelids, to protect them getting a snow blind. They have no fur, neither hair on their bodies, but by the grace of their ability to withstand low temperatures, they roam through the forest almost naked. Rarely seen, because of their natural camouflage, they are one of the most patient creatures on earth. A Sumbal could stay whole day at one place just observing the curios movement of the bushes, driven by the north wind, or the hourly-long game, of the white bear's young ones. However this peaceful character, and the trend to not attack without reason, if provoked, the Submal is fierce opponent. With their light athletic bodies, they move amazingly fast trough the tree land, feeling very well every obstacle beneath the snow, knowing where to palace their feet and where not. Once reached you, this graceful creature, would not spare time to talk, even if it could. Inside its pale lips are found perfectly ordered white teeth, two of which - the upper dog teeth are with increased length. With long jump and swift bike bite for the neck the females will attack you, as the male probably will try to crush your neck with its hands. And never mind their thin looking bodies, their diet of tree nuts and grasses, make them extortionately strong. A crush of a neck is like a crushing a walnut for the Sumbal.
  • Fawahar  
Not higher than meter this hollow-bone humanoid lives in the heights of mountain
Zenit. Adapted to the harsh weather this half-human half birds  is said to feed by staring at the sun. Being less than 25 kilograms it it seen to execute amazing flight maneuvers and groups of Fawahars has been seen to play a communion game by passing rocks to each other while executing amazing flight stunts in the air. Their bodies are covered by white yellow and red feathers, instead of legs they have a birds tail, but their hands are human-like, never mind are finishing with sharp claws. Their wing grow from the back and are strong enough, when used together with the hands, to move this humanoid creature along the rock, if it is tired of playing flying games, and decide to find himself a nice crack in the maintain peaks for rest. Although Fawahars don't pay attention to human, if endangered, they produce a screeching voice, so high-pitched that it pierce your head like poisoned spears, making you to scream from pain.
  • Boto  
A creation of long perished nation of magicians, the Boto is giant humanoid, as the ancient mages were probably.Around two meters and half, but sometimes they can grew up to three meters. It has human like body, with dolphin type dorsal fin, situated in the lower part of the trapezius muscles, and medium dolphin tail rising from their tailbone, never mind they kept their human legs. The Botos have longish head with flat cheeks and huge eyes, with no eyebrows, but two layers of fishlike eyelids. They have long, dark blue hair, which usually is enchanted by small coral type organisms, who find it to be suitable for their home. The skin of the Boto is mostly human on touch, with silver color, except the tail and the fin which has more darker dolphin-like skin covering. The Botos are very intelligent humanoids, and it is believed that they have their community somewhere in the depths, but their lack of interest to the Eldemar's social life makes this uncertain. Botos can bee sen at dawn or sunset to leave the safety of the sea and walk around the empty beaches. The lucky who encountered them said that they feel unusual presence of something unexplainable, just before and after they see a Boto. Legend says that this creatures posses arcane power, by which they can drive off in retreat, even the enormous Alice.
  • Turkuch
Poisonous and extremely dangerous, the Turkuch, once been in the human family, now is unrecoignizable. It has toad legs, round head covered by thick in the bottom and pointy at the top, fifteen centimeters long black outgrowths, which move freely. The same hairs continue along the neck and spine of the creature. This outgrowths have channel, containing paralyzing poison, which is sprayed when the turkuch feels in danger. Its skin is dark green in color and flaked like on reptile, covered by the sides with dark hair patches. Their belly and inside part of the froggy legs are yellowish-white and wiht smoother skin like of an eel. The turkuch face is bright green with dark stripes and long jaw, with unreachably long smile, even when they are not smiling. Respected by the swamp people of the Orishean tribes, this humanoid has legendary history. Once being part of the natives living at the Menon sea coast, a group of power seeking individuals searched for a long time, trough different methods to gain the power of different elements and beasts. Failing time after time, there came a day where one of the young swamp-witches discovered a way to transmute the powers of the small poison hairy frog to her skin. Maybe it was on chance, because never mind her skin became paralatic-poisonos on touch, nobody else could achieve that result. Being expelled from her tribe, for this unpleasant feature, the witch decided to revenge the tribesmen. Paralyzing the neck, but leaving the other body intact, she kidnapped young men from the coast. She shut their mouth and dragged them to a special prepared place in the swamps, where performed a ritual magic, while merging with their male power, to breed children. The spell was cast in the name of the swamp spirits, to flourish and improve this chain link of frog poison in her body, so her kids will be even more poisonous, thus able to revenge the tribesmen. For years living secretly in the swamps, her family grew in number and started to produce children between themselves, mutating the frog patters even more. The witch perished, and left behind hundred if not more frogy-human like creatures, with the word to cast their revenge on the coat tribes. Alas, the frog mutation went into another direction. With every breed this humanoids started to look more and more like frogs, but poison remained unchanged in strength. Not being able to connect with the emotion of their ancestor's revenge, they threw away the idea of mass killing, and one day returned to the tribes, making peaceful word for living altogether, at the swamp lands of the coast. The alliance was sworn, and from this sacred meeting, when the story of the turkuch kind was fully revealed, nobody from the tribesmen, thought to seek for power, evermore.
  • Ovaklin
Rotting in the caves of mountain Zkarr, this horrible creatures, once been human, are now doomed by their gluttony to suffer endless hunger. Agile engineers of stone and rope, thy set traps it night time all along the mountain Zkarr, catching animals and foolish travelers, for their breakfast, second breakfast, three lunches, and five dinners. Extremely fat, some even perfectly round, they move slowly, but when it comes to force, they can show great power. Also being surprisingly fast with their fingers, you mind find your neck crunching in their hands, before your sword penetrates their fat natural armor. Or worst, once trapped in their amazingly strong nets, you are sure to be baked alive as dinner.


  • Wolf
Habitat: Wolves occupy a wide range of habitats including the tundra, steppes, open woodlands, forests, grasslands all over Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Stalkers and pack hunters. Wolves have a body length between 1 and 1.7 m, a tail length between 30 and 50 cms and they weigh between 18 and 66 kgs. They are mainly grey or brown but they can be various colours depending on their geographic location. Wolves in the taiga areas are usually white but in other areas they can be black in colour. The pack members communicate with each other by crouching, rolling over and chin touching or using vocalizations such as howling.
  • Giant Elk
Habitat: The forests of Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Majestic creature with huge antlers. They are bout 2.1 metrestall at the shoulders carrying the largest antlersof any known cervid, which could range up to  3.5 m  from tip to tip and weighing up to 50 kg. In body size, the mature Giant Elk have a total mass of 530–670 kg. It behaves herbivorous, but sometimes rabid Elks are said to attack vigorously.
  • Bear
Habitat: The forests of Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: They are solitary creatures by nature, communing only during mating season. Standing on their hind legs they range from 2 to 3 feet in height and 1 feet at shoulder.  At maturity they can weigh from 400 to 600 kilos.  The only color highlights on their mostly dark fur are brown patches on their face and sometimes white chest markings, although there is bears which are compleately brown. Their territory can range up to 40 kilometers in diameter. They love dens, and doesn't like to be slapped on the butt.

  • Angry Goose
Habitat: Wild ones live near different water sources, at Ursavox and Auranox. Geese are domesticated commonly in Auranox.
Recognizable features: It is angry, it bites, beware!
  • Rabbit
Habitat: Widely spread across Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Just tasty.
...and squeezy.
  • Coyote
Habitat: The barren and desert lands of Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Hungry spotted carnivore, with open mouth, from which saliva slowly leaks.
  • Puma
Habitat: The Great Isles and Northern Ursavox.
Recognizable features: The puma is just a kid, who took on the wild path.
  • Lynx
Habitat: Widely spread in the forest, and mountain ranges of Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Oh, I'll softly close my eyes, and pretend to be a pussy cat. Then I'll bite your arse!
  • Wild Pig
Habitat: The forests of Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Dinner for friends! Talks funny. Only mages can translate. I mean, it talks, before it gets dinner...
  • Wild Horse
Habitat: Widely spread in Auranox and Urasavox.
Recognizable features: Spirit horse, ride for me!  Ya'a ha! aa'a ha! ya'a ha! a'Ha!

  • Rakkaroo

Habitat - Central Auranox
Recognizable features - Not aggressive. It can be seen mostly in the mornings and evenings. Weights 600-1000 grams, 25-28cm body with 30-38cm tail. Moves with leaps by his strong back feet. Has soft, dense fur, darker in the center of the back and top of the head, fading to a lighter shade at the sides. The chin, sides of the chest and stomach are creamy white. Front and back legs are redder than the rest of the body, and the hands and feet paler than the rest of the body. It has pretty thick useful skin, very large, thick upper lips, which swelled outwards beyond the level of the nose. The meat is tasting as rat.

  • Olekan
Habitat - Central, South-Western and Western parts of Ursavox.
Recognizable features - Around 60 cm height. Ranges from 100 to 130 length, plus a tail of around 50 to 65 cm. Four legged predator. Stalker and ambusher. Its yellow-brown coat features 13 to 21 distinctive dark stripes across its back, rump and the base of its tail. One of the stripes extends down the outside of the rear thigh. Its body hair is dense and soft, up to 15 mm in length. Erect ears are about 8 cm long and covered with short fur. Coloration varies from light fawn to a dark brown; the belly is cream-colored. The Olekan is able to open its jaws to an unusual extent: up to 120 degrees. It relies on sight and sound, more than a smell, to hunt and defend itself. It is not the best runner, but jumps extremely well. Its meat is not good to eat, but the skin precious.
  • Alice
Habitat - The Cold Oceans
Recognizable features - This giant shark reaches a maximum length of 25–32 meters and weights no less than 75 tons, some individuals even above 100. Alice has 46 front row teeth, 24 in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower, and having in mind it has six rows of teeth, this makes about 276 teeth overall. It eats whales and other big fish from dusk to dawn. Alas it is not smart enough to distinguish ship from a whale, thus a lot of man journeys trough the Cold Oceans ends with grief.
  • Plappi
Habitat - Central and west Auranox
Recognizable features - The Plapi is miniature hopping animal with soft fur gray and white in colour. Its length if no more than 17cm and on weight it does not goes more than 220 grams. However this easy prey roam the forest and fields in huge numbers due to its high birth rate. You can only spot him in the grass if it hops, here and there or silently move slowly its long ears to recognize the surrounding sounds of danger, before leaps into panic retreat.
  • Barko'mrjas
Habitat - Central and south-west Auranox.
Recognizable features - Up to two meter tall, three long, and heavy as half a ton, wearing Gray colored fur, with few browinish thin stripes alog the back, this ancient omnivore looks a bit wired. The Barko'mrjas has solid robust skull the box like body,‭ ‬but the legs are so thin they seem unable to support a heavily built creature.‭ ‬The skull is carried forward from the body to the point where if you measure from the tip of the snout to the pelvis,‭ ‬the forelegs would actually be close to the midpoint of the measurement. To compromise this unbalanced distibution of the body it has extreamly strong neck, to move its heady head around. The Barko'mrjas is also noted for having all four kinds of mammalian teeth,‭ these being incisors at the front,‭ followed by canines,‭ ‬then pre-molars until finally a rear battery of molars.‭ ‬The canines are the most striking teeth due to their proportionately large size to the other teeth, to the point that they are virtually tusks.‭ With the help of this robust composite body the Barko'mrjas is heavy opponent for the most predators, and with his decent jaws he easily can hunt small animals, while on the search for a different foods. It has a nasty behavior if it sees itself in danger, gives only few seconds before chaotically to rush into attack, if the opponent is not extremely huge and frightening. The meat of the Barko'mrjas is edible, but defiantly not the tastiest.
  • Ioneefax
Habitat - The Great Isles
Recognizable features - This very well swimming omnivorous-carnivore, is ancient as Taja itself. Looking like a wolf with a long neck and short feet it can swim as fast, as it can run amongst the dense vegetation. It has black spots and little whirlwinds al along his body, including the head and feet. His tail is very strong and his wide paws have special skin for swimming, which is hidden until the beast opens its long and sharp claws. The Ioneefax has relatively small skull for its body, but is knows to be genius predator, some say even more smart than the man. Prefers small animals or fish, but with its one and half meters length, humans are amongst his prey also. It is virtually moving unseen for the undrained eye, even underwater. It is not rare for the Ioneefax to eat sea weeds and fruits fallen from the trees, even when he has enough prey around. Be cautious, as it has the ability to hold his breath underwater for minutes along
  • Tiromecal
Habitat - Southern Ursavox and North-west Auranox
Recognizable features - With his weight of one ton and even more, this is the most ferocious bear of all its. From his isolation the Tiromecal turned to pure carnivore, which from spring to late autumn terrorize all that could be eater in its territory. It runs amazingly fast and its powerful swing can uproot trees with no problem. Its meat is less tasty than the smaller bear kinds of Eldemar.
  • Hohailak
Habitat - Central, Western,Southern Auranox, The Great Isles and Northern Urasavox
Recognizable features - The Hohailak is earth-walking carnivorous bird, ranging in height from about  90 cm to more than 2 meter and weight up to 350 kilograms. It  has huge head, strong hooked bill, tiny wings and large, powerful legs with clawed toes. Runs fast and makes swift turns with high speed, while using it long neck for balance. Its tiny feather looks more like fur, and range in all the colors of the rainbow, distributed in swirling pattern along its body, excluding the skin topped legs and always gray-orange feathered head,  which wears the enormous silver colored bill and sharp looking eyes of a predator. The Hohailak has extremely tasty meat, never mind it is carnivore.
  • Eshui
Habitat - The Great Isles
Recognizable features - With length no more than 21 cm and mass up to 270 grams this light squirrel can perform extremely long jumps for the amazement of every creature around. it runs freely even on the most thin branches, and rarely go to the ground. Its color varies depending on the sex. Males have more red than, pink and with the females is the opposite. Both have white bellies. Never mind being easy prey for this shining colors, it manages to be one of the most common animals along the islands. Tastes good also, but only if your skill with the bow is remarkably good, this animals are virtually untreatable
  • Kuzmich
Habitat - Eastern and Norther Great Isles Seas
Recognizable features - The Kuzmichis  far larger than any other crocodile or alligator, with the largest adults measuring almost 17 m in total length, with weight of 8-9 tons, having large robust teeth built for crushing. Its back is covered with thick hemispherical bone plates. Lives up to two hundred years, and never mind it is seen in river, it prefers the saltwater. Has very tasty meat.
  • Smokos 
Habitat - All salty waters of Eldemar.
Recognizable features - Servent of Taja, protector of the sunken precious metals, the Smokos is the greatest from predators of the Great Isles. Thin as a eel, and a lot more muscled, he is coming from the depths with unremarkable speed. Has blush and grayish stripes along his all body. His head is mostly composed of jaws, giving just a tiny space for a brain. But with his size up to 17 meters and 14 tons, who needs brains? A small ship is not problem for the Smokos to turn, and vanquish its inhabitants, neither most of the sea's living creatures. It lives remarkably long tome, some said more than thousand years. It's meat is not good to eat.
  • Xilex
Habitat - The Great Isles
Recognizable features -The Xilex is herbivorous bipedal reptile. It walks on its long rare legs, which ends with four-toed feet, adapted very well to swim. The arms are short, ending with five-fingered hands, but mostly not used. It has a long, stiff, pointed tail, a flexible neck, and a small head with large reptile eyes, covered by three different eyelids. At length it can be up to a two meters long, including the tail. Fast and agile runner, as also swimmer the Xilex is not eas prey at all, never mind is been largely hunted for its skin and meat.
  • Smoothie
Habitat - The Rivers of Central and South Auranox
Recognizable features - It is large and vicious predator with a long streamlined body, flippers, and a skull with a long jaw. Its color is from purple to pink, with charred spots along his back, more in the middle, les at the sides. Its belly is light pink to white. Its jaw is double hinged like a snake, which enables to gulp down large prey whole. This jaw also possess numerous sharp conical teeth. The Smoothie size varies by the river it inhabits. The larger the river, the larger the beast. Smallest come from 2 meters and in the huge rivers some could reach lengths of around 11 meters. It swims extremely fast by holding its frontal half of its body rigid, and use the back side and the tail for propulsion. It is said that Smoothies, sometimes kill just for pleasure, or of boredom. River fisherman, fear this animal the most.
  • Liopink
Habitat - Southern Great Isles and Northern Ursavox
Recognizable features - Huge sand loving lizard, with bright green coating on its thick skin. It can range from four to seven meters, depending of the food quality and abundance. The smaller Liopinks are the continental ones. But not the size is the biggest strength of this animal. It carries in its full of small razor-teeth mouth, long split tongue, which is covered in numerous venomous spikes of miniature size. That is why the tongue looks hairy-black. But if you have luck, you wont have to see it at all. Otherwise, if a slap of this tongue passes onto the skin of an animal, the venom causes nerve and muscle dysfunction, finishing in few minutes with heart attack
  • Ukate
Habitat - All warm coastlines
Recognizable features - Looking like an oval cluster of stones, the Ukate floats over the salty water of the Oceans, feeding itself from the microorganism abundance directly trough its skin. Totally unmovable, it reproduces, when a stone piece matures and cuts off itself from the cluster formation, starting to generate its own cluster. When cut trough its crunchy skin, the inside is meaty red, and delicious when baked. Clusters range from 40 grams to half a kilogram. It is said that in the past there have been whole fields with Ukates floating above the water, but at present it is pretty rare to see more than one at square mile or two
  • Teklamtaran
Habitat - All around the mountains of Ursavox and Auranox
Recognizable features - For its black color it is called the Shadow of Eldemar. Spreading its wings up to 12 meters the Teklamtaran is the biggest bird flying in the skies. It can weight up to 85 kilograms of feather and muscle. Its bill is large, rather slender, and has a hooked tip with a wide gape. It can freely walk on the earth by its stong legs. The Teklamtaran flies mainly soaring looking for dead carcasses from which to feed on, but if it gets hungry, it is seen to attack even live prey. Its meat is not edible, but the feathers are very expensive.
  • Ziltoid

Habitat - Northern Ursavox and the Southern parts of the Great Isles
Recognizable features - The Ziltoid is malice carnivore. Weights from 120 kg to 140 kg. On height is around 75 cm high at the shoulder, and about 150 cm in length. The Ziltoid wears three lines along his length - two brownish-orange from the sides and one white in the middle. This painted fur is thick, short and valuable. The head is dark yellowish, like the paws and the tail, which has a thin white strip in the middle, almost to the end. It has unique tooth pattern,  with enormous slicing premolars (4 - 6 cm long shearing blades on each jaw that slid against each other like a pair of scissors) and large stabbing incisors. With its powerful jaws and massive forelimbs with huge retractable thumb claws for grasping and holding down its prey, it hunts  other large animals using ambush, possibly dropping onto them from above, clamping the prey's neck and windpipe in its jaws, killing by suffocation. Opposable first toes provide grip and balance for climbing trees. Ziltoid likes to drag its large prey carcass up a tree to feed. As most carnivores, its meat is not with good taste.But a artisan Stewsmen are found cooking even Ziltoids after few days of preparation.

  • Buzby
Habitat - The south-eastern deserts of Auranox
Recognizable features - The Buzby is medium-sized mouse-like animal with long ears, short front legs, and strong back ones. Its body mass is from 300 to 450 grams. Moves very fast, with long jumps. Its fur color ranges from pale yellowish-brown to grey-brown with pale white or yellowish-white fur on its belly, with white limbs and tail.The tail of this animal is long, about 70% of its total head-body length. It lives in a holes 2-3 meters underground. Its meat is edible.
  • Martooth
Habitat - Central, West, North-East, North parts of Ursavox and thin line of the most southern parts of the Great Isles
Recognizable features - Strong and large this fearsome hunters can overcome most of any pray or enemy. Although perhaps not the fastest of runners, Martooths hunt in a  pack of three or more, jumping upon a large prey, using their combined strength and body weights to wrestle their prey to the ground.‭ Once restrained,‭ the Leader then finishes the prey, off with a bite to the neck,‭ severing the arteries and closing the windpipe. A key feature of the jaws is the enormously wide gape.‭ ‬Martooth could openin its mouth to‭ ‬120‭ ‬degrees for to get full use of its up to 28cm teeth without also being handicapped by them.‭ Mature Mortooth length varies between 2meter and two meters and half, having weight between 180 to 320 kilos. Martooth's short fur has dark green, and black vertical and angeled lines from the sides, which curve in degree up to 60 along the back of the animal and gathering at his back. There is thin orange, lie between every green and black stripe. The head the legs and the very short tail are deep orange, immersed with dark green and black shades of the stripes. Not tasty, even if you manage to kill them.
  • Gooffon
Habitat - South Ursavox
Recognizable features - Adapted to the harsh winters in the stepp-tundras of south Ursavox the Gooffon has thick, long brown fur, small ears, and a stocky body. It is a grazing animal, with mass of three to seven tons and length up to six meters, armed with up to 140cm horn, positioned just above his nostrils. The Gooffon is a solid mountain of power. Luckily very peaceful mountain, rarely will attaack a being if it is not defending its life or family. In the past Gooffons were not rare to see in the central warmer parts of Ursavox, but now being hunted more and more, for their precious horn, good meat and expensive fur they are retreating to the south.
  • Brunpuss'fok
Habitat - The great Isles and southern Auranox
Recognizable features - Winged nectar drinker with the size of giant rat, the Brunpuss'fok is one of the most beneficial animals for the Great Isles. Its length from head to the begining of the tail 24–28 cm, its weight 400–1000 g. The featherless wings can be spread as wide as double Brunpuss'fok's body length. Its tail is up to 45cm long, ending with black hairy ball. The upper parts of the Brunpuss'fok's thich very short fur are dark grey-brown in color. The under parts are pale buff-grey in color. The top of its head often distinctly darker down the centre and paler near the eyes. Ears have dark edges, also the tail goes blacker in the end. The Brunpuss'fok rely on well-developed vision to see at night, complemented by an excellent sense of smell to locate food. Its large, forward-facing eyes give him binocular vision, while mirror-like retinas reflect and capture the limited available light. The Brunpuss'fok is crucial to the keeping of the Great Isles forests healthy. It plays an important role in dispersing seeds and pollinating flowering plants. Because Brunpuss'fok is highly mobile, seeds can be moved locally and over great distances. High mobility also makes the Brunpus'fok very effective as forest pollinator. Pollen sticks to its furry bodie and as it crawl from flower to flower, and fly from tree to tree, it pollinate the flowers and aid in the production of honey. The Brunpus'fox meat is considered delicacy. Tasty when baked, but it is hard to catch a brunpuss'fok in the night when it feeds, or trough the day when it is hidden high in the tree crowns
  • Sippis
Habitat - Central and Eastern Auranox
Recognizable features - The Sippis is a medium-sized, up to 38 cm long, velvet black bird. The male has an iridescent olive green and bronze plumage and is adorned with ornamental plume above its bill and two extremely long, ribbon-like white tail feathers measuring up to a meter. Has a strong voice, which uses to attract the smaller in size females. Inhabits lots of the forests of Auranox, but it's rare bird, because of its fine meat, considered as King's delicacy, and remarkable tail feathers.

The Demons of K'ra
"The greatest con, that he ever pulled... was making you believe... that he is you."

Unaffected by physical and elemental factors, even when they are in physical shape, the Demons of K'ra are masters of shape-shifting. They can change their form, from beautiful virgin, to rotten beggar in just blink of an eye. At present, their agenda is slowly rising from the shadows to the sight of the arcane brotherhood, of mages.  However for any mortal is great danger to be around that creature. But be sure If you see a living one, of these evils, in flesh and bone, moving, and live trough this encounter, it is because he decides so, to happen! In the best chances he'll just wants to copulate with your soul, sparing your life flimsy.  Beware, traveler, you may live and sleep with possessed by  Demon, without even noticing, as Jakell the Wize said to me once, while we were foolishly spending our Jin, consuming alcohol and theorizing on the weak points of the K'raos - "Better to believe a stranger, than your wife... she could turn to be a demon!"

Once the eight nations led wars against each other, the ancient gate was forgotten and trough the energy gap, number of Demons from the dimension K'ra succeeded to sneak in Eldemar. The Ancient Gate was sealed again, by anonymous mages, but the Demons, who were already in, were not pursued or hunted, so they remained in this realm, full flesh and blood. Then feeling free and safe, but not possessing any physical form, they tried to pierce and overcome the bodies of the most evolved creatures they saw - humans. Men and women alike, were attacked when they were most vulnerable. At the mental realm, which the Demons occupied, this meant - the moments of great fears and desires. Then, the demon sat there, in the person's mental body, engulfing and suffocating his Jin. In that way, pushing him unconsciously to release more and more, of the same strong emotions, just feeding the Demon's strength. The energy drain was done, until the evil creature got powerful enough to overcome the flesh of the victim, and posses him fully. Only in that way, a Demon may acquire a physical body. Once went down to the physical realm of Eldemar, the K'rao had enough of arcane knowledge, to create even bigger troubles. With the gift of form, the Demon could reach new victims very easy, to inject its venom in them, thus seeding a demon child, a twin of the father, feeding upon their souls. True illness and bad seed is the chance to meet and a Demon in flesh, but a great horror is to face one of his true shapes. If a demon collect enough power, he could achieve not only the flesh transformations, but also the arcane. Transferring the essence of the human flesh he enslaved, in the form of his demon mentality, he can metamorphose to horrors creature of dark nature A three times stronger and bigger shadowy beast appears, out of the humble human used for a host. Even for a mage is great challenge to survive this encounter. Although the entered trough the Ancient Gate demons, were just dozen or two, now their children a thousands, if not more! They, as most of the wise mages propose, are trying to bring even more chaos in Eldemar, so the will of the nations get weaker and weaker, until the moment, when the seal of the Gate crumbles, under the sorrow loaded scow. Then all Demons from K'ra could enter our realm, for sure claiming it for their own, and enslaving humanity to their own will. No mage would be able to stand against that power, once the seal fails. So the gate, which is both door, for wisdom and shadow, should be carefully kept safe.

The next are the known demons to the mage brotherhood, and their preferred shapeshifting forms, depending on their character.

Bael - Master of Suffocation. Takes the form of a house holder.
Agares - Master of Lies. Takes the form of an old man.
Vassago - Master of Secrets. Takes the form of a fearful person.
Samigina - Master of Decay. Takes the form of a crippled or cursed person.
Marbas - Master of Diseases. Takes the form of a medicine man, or woman.
Valefor - Master of Theft. Takes the form of a beautiful woman.
Amon - Master of the Argue. Takes the form of the opposed sex of his desired victims.
Barbatos - Master of Weakness. Always takes the form of small cute animal.
Paimon - Master of Pride. Takes the form of a highly skilled artist or leader.
Buer - Master of Facts. Takes the form of a false philosopher.
Gusion - Master of Time. Takes the form of a human, who had achieved what the victim has not yet, but hasty desires.
Sitri - Master of Greed.Takes the form of an attractive item or person, which the victim desires.
Beleth - Master of Form. Takes the form of a human, animal or object of full perfection.
Leraje - Master of Damage. Takes the form of aggressive warrior.
Eligos - Master of Fear. Takes the form of a human, pretending to be a safeguard for the victim.
Zepar - Master of Hidden Emotions. Takes the form of a attractive man.
Botis - Master of the Knowledge. Very dangerous Demon. Takes the form of humble Magician, but indeed he is an evil Sorcerer.
Bathin - Master of Senses. Takes the form of a Merchant or Stewsmen
Sallos - Master of Duty. Takes the form of a Guildsmen or Infantryman.
Purson - Master of Persuasion. Takes the form of false informator or helper, leading you with lies into trouble, than attacking your psyche.
Marax - Master of Slavery. Takes the form of a Noble, King or Emperor.
Ipos - Master of Obedience.Takes the form of a religious leader, false monk or treacherous pilgrim.
Aim - Master of Conspiracy. Takes the form of a trader, farmer, or normal village personage.
Naberius - Master of Rules. Takes the form of  various humans. Mostly citizens.
Glasya-Labolas - Master of Pain. Takes the form of a blood-thirsty female.
Buné - Master of Dryness. Takes the form of an old woman.
Ronové - Master of Chaos. Takes the form of vigorous beast.
Berith - Master of Obligation. Takes the form of beautifully woman or men, advertising its victims to fast marriage.
Astaroth - Master of Reason. Takes the form of a never stopping to talk youngster, or very old misanthropic individual.
Forneus - Master of Sloth. Takes the form of a fat person, offering pleasures and safety to its victims.
Foras - Master of Torture. Takes the form of a persisting in demands partner of chief.
Asmoday - Master of Vulnerability. Takes the form of seeking protection young girl.
Gäap - Master of Ignorance. Takes the form of an Guildsman.
Furfur - Master of Connections. Takes the form of a diplomat between other people's relation. Usually seeking to compel them believing his pure intentions of compassion, thus transferring their energy towards him, and allowing him to enter his seed in their souls.
Marchosias - Master of the Beast. This Demon is said to rebellious to the other of the Demons's order, and thus hunted by them. It is said it never harms a human, unless he needs their body for purpose of travel. Some humans even few mages, is said to tried to ally with him, but still the secret around this Demon is not fully revealed. Takes the form of various beasts, but rarely, if ever would attack without reason.

No long after the demons appeared and too human form many things changed in Eldemar. The living peacefully eight nation turned against each other, forgetting their careless days of cherishing life, leading thousand man into war. That was done thankfully to the emerging at the time Guild Unions, which by my and the opinion of few other mages, were influenced by the twisted game of the soon arrived, looking for power K'raos. Led in the spider's web of the smaller new-emerging Common Guilds, the Master guilds fell entrapped. Strangled and suffocated, the only way to survive, was to follow the way of the Common Guild... The Master Guilds are the Empires and Kingdoms, of the Eight Nations of Eldemar, and all smaller Tribal Unions. Luckily the Tribe Unions were not tasty meat for the mouth of the Common Guilds, so they were left alone. This new-emerging enslaving-power were - The Religious Guilds, followed by The Warrior Guilds, The Merchant Guild and The Craftsman Guilds. The old Religious Guilds, were created for the humble purpose to enlightening the people, of the simple truths, hidden in their life experience. By working on their quest, some successfully, some not, this structures, slowly collected gold and influence, unimaginable by none of their procreators. And power meant intrigue. This soon provoked wars, amongst the Eight peacefully thriving Nations, led forward, by the not-that-humble religious structures. By that order, from the necessity of soldiers, the Warrior Guilds started to appear in just few years. Alas, war creates only chaos and disorder. Dries the water out of the land and leaves the rocks stained. No good was seen in this ancient times, even living peacefully by farming. Thefts and plunders, became more and more often, amongst the roads and sea lines, of the two continents. The trade suffered the most. Bounding together at this hard times, for the necessity of protecting their caravans, ships and trade goods, merchants formed countless guilds all over the eight nations's realm. In the same manner were raised all the guild of the craftsmen. Artisans engaged in the same occupation - Blacksmith, Latherers, Bakers, Masons, Carpenters, Cobblers, Thatchers, would associate themselves together for protection and mutual aid. While everything seemed to be done for good, it turned evil. Like invisible creature, this organizations started to control their pupils, pattern even not recognized by the top of their leaders. The purpose of this reborn in shape guilds, was one - Domination. And to maintain a monopoly of a particular craft, trade, political or social activity, the guilds used, and still do - rules, punishment, steel, blood and flame. No one within a town can practice a craft without belonging to the appropriate guild associations. If a guild member posses some secret knowledge, he often will be perused and killed when tries to venture to other lands. To become master especially in craftsmen guild is not that easy, as most masters charge heavy for their training, thus keeping the monopoly of their structure. Often guilds have their different ranks amongst the members, but as this is changing almost for every nation, we will consider it later. Still, the Religious Guilds are the most powerful and influential, followed by the Craftsmen, the Warrior and Merchant ones. And as the night, I thought... could not get blacker... at  present I see, the rise of the unexciting until now - Mage Guilds! But don't worry, the Gods do safe keep us. While soon, traveler, this place shall prohibit, scriptures as mine, stay calm and cherish the opportunity, to hold deep in your heart, the last few breaths, of this luxus summer.

-by Zakkul the Wize.-
-Year 6Dur78 from the Gamagg.-

Dg'undarr Seep
"When you can bear your own silence, you are free."
- Mooji

The voice of the little bear merged with the glow of the night. Shanlong appeared, then quickly dispersed, somewhere back in the void. Halk was standing, or better to be said - floating few arklogs above the trees. This was his third time this night, he decided to travel in Dg'undarr form, but the first in his life a Shanlong appeared. Maybe, the small bear, down amongst the pine, also felt the presence of this mighty creature - as she kept now silent, not rambling her feelings in the wind. Shanlong - repeated without voice Halk, talking to himself - this must be a sign! He would definitely discuss on the morning with his father, the old shaman, about what have just occurred. Even in the form that was Halk right now, a pure luck was to take even just a glimpse of a Shanlong!

This night, Hawk committed to explore Eldemar in more detailed manner, than he usually did, and that would not be problem at all even for a period less than ten hours. In Dg'undarr form he could seep trough the grains of time and universes' impulses, stretching the reality, visiting any place in instant, and traveling back and forth in time, as further as hundreds of years. And that all would only take him one or two hours from the whole night, so for the time Hawk was not worried. He was 21 winters strong boy from the small isolated shamanic tribe of Orotojawa. The life here was harsh and uncomfortable, but they had their wisdom to survive. Their island was situated at the Island group Purre, far east from one of the continents of Eldemar - Ursavox. There were, two main continents in Eldemar. At Auranox, being bigger, were situated five of the eight nations. The people of - Ekkas, Taraz , Shasduel, Lox and Harken. At Urasavox, being twice smaller, were in constant battle the nations of Jep'Ja, Vianess and Mulkin, and at the uncountable islands between them called The Great Isles thrived the ocean people of numerous wild tribes, still holding their spears against the constant attacks from the continent empires. Some of the border islands were long ago captured and turned into important trade locations, but at the east, west and middle Great Isles, the eight nations have not reached with their black hand yet. But not only here the life stayed below the level of Kingdom or Empire. The deserts, steppes, forest, savannas, the tundra and the great mountain ranges, as well some distant thrown at the oceans islands, were full of beasts, wild people and dangerous humanoid creatures, dwelling by the will of the gods.

For the ordinary Guildsman, born in the city, the life would look simple, and predictable. But if he just stood before the astonishing living beings that in his mind are still just a legend, feeling his feet sweating, and his breath tucked in the throat, than he would knew, what he is living for. Unfortunately, for the common Guildsman was not easy to enjoy a journey to the far lands at all. His life was lying mostly in taking care of his chores, so the grandiose machine of his Kingdom or Empire will be running smoothly. He had no time to turn and listen to the wind, to take deep breath and listen. Merchants, did traveled, but on a safe roads and well known lands. They knew a bit more of the world's colors, but compared the the true magnificence of the Eldemar, this knowledge was just blindness. Only  those who decided, to leave the Guild fraud, and become bandits or pirates, ventured further in the unknown lands, usually to seek shelter and safety, but not rarely even found more.

Hawk entered the patterns of his mind, and flew with astonishing speed to the most southern part of Eldemar. There were laying Southern Cold Ocean, repetitively bludging by the attraction of the moon, giving birth of the daily tides that could be felt afar as the southern coasts of Ursavox - the continent proudly staying north from the Ocean. The chilling hand of the southern permafrost was spread over the southern parts of Ursavox. Harsh was the weather there, and all life had to bare the extreme temperatures or around -30. Patches of tiny grasses were thrown between the abundant, but still shy in height mosses and liverworts. The Lemming and the Voles, The Small Lynx, the Cold River Swan, the Southern Hare, the Lully Caribou, the Snowy Ows and Foxes, were sharing land with the White Bear, the Goofoon, the Wolverine, the Puffin, The Snow Dogs, the Auk and the small humanoid creatures, who dig their homes in the permafrost, called by the legends - Raklak, which means claw-handed. The borders of the tundra merged, with uprising Giant named Kro Nor. This enliven Giant was the spirit of the  upland plateau Kro Nor covered by steppes and ridges. With prolonged shape to the east and west, this animated creature was shaped by the gods in a form of a lynx, from where his name was coming - Kro Nor, meaning in the tongue of the ancient people lived there - Enormous cat. Its border to the southern Tundra was the Mountain range Haggles, and to the north was enclosed by the mountain chain Furji. The eastern and western slopes of Kro Nor were slowly loosing their height, together with the two mountains, transforming into smaller and smaller hill lands, until finally reaching the low plains, and not much further, the south-eastern and south-western coasts of Ursavox. Up on this plateau found home the nation of Jep'Ja, horse breeders and fierce warriors. The King of these lands were the stone hearted Bolonaar, ruling from his fortified city - Zirburt, which was built at composition of four steep-ridged hills, solid and impregnable.  Living in moveable homes called Tarpas, the eighty-six tribes of Jep'Ja united under the hand of their King roamed constantly the steppes of Kro Nor, by the constant need of fresh food for their mountain cattle, and also driven by the droughts, that came and went, in periods of several years, at different regions of the plateau. A sacred animal amongst the nation of Jep'ja is the Kro Nor Lynx. Golden in appearance, this is a very large cat with a powerful body, short sturdy legs, and a very short tail. The Kro Nor Lynx has large heads, and long tufted ears which stand straight up. Its coats is usually yellowish-brown and white on its undersides. The average weight of matured lynx is 30 to 65 pounds and its tails grow up to 7 inches. It is tradition, if a Jep'Jar sees a sacred lynx to hunt Rodents, Birds, Fish, Corsac Fox, Small Deer, Saiga Antelope Ballan Goats or Sheeps, even if the prey is from his own heard, he should stay away in peace silence, otherwise the gods that protect the Lynx will get angry. Haggles and Furjy were also home for the Kro Nor, but the neither the native tribes who lived along Furjy, digging silver and trading it for weapons and wool to the Jep'Jarians, nor the humanoid tribes of the harsh Haggles treated this animal with that respect. This fact maybe was the reason why Jep'Ja was so advanced nation living in so remote place. Bilonaar was in constant conflict wit his Northern neighbors - Swendleen - Emperess of Vianess and Gulo III - Emperror of Mulkin, which by themselves were worst enemies. Between the hammer of the two empires, at the gulf of Menon Sea were living still by the old ways the tribal shamanic tribes, called in their tongue - Orisha, which meant - children. Their sea gulf and the swamp forest around were the keyy obstacle for the empires to enslave this tribes, as they did with many others in the past. Orishans were smart nature engineers and knowers. They had more than a twenty words for a single species of tree, depending on its different features, and they had in their lands hundreds of different species. They could walk in the swamps full of alligators, snakes, and uncountable others dangerous animals and plants, with no worry knowing how to use every species into their aid. They would make different weapons and boomerangs from bone and wood, would make ropes from fiber and bark, attaching heavy weights to the ends and using it as bola. When they were attacked by the legions of the both surrounding empires, they engineered massive traps and obstacles, preventing the enemy to enter their lands in depths. In the few times Orishan are seen in face to face battle, they act like a swamp leopards - hit, retreat, than hit again. That and their united spirit are the reasons the tribes still live no touched by Mulkin or Vianess

How to turn a blondie into lightning
"The tiger can’t be killed."


Like an waking animal, the old ship, was slowly ascending, from the shadows of the night. The first beams of light, coming out of the eastern horizon waked Taja, and the surface on the sea trembled, as she took her first breath for the day. The breeze rushed trough the few holes in the hull of the wrecked ship, together with the light. This long dead animal, was serving the human once more, even with the damage it had suffered. Seventeen years ago the ship was drawn to the shallow waters of the island Heke, and afterwards abandoned by the crew. Caol, a old blacksmith from the bigger inhabitable island nearby - Gel'jha, used this opportunity to create without too much trouble, an secluded place where he can practice freely the blacksmithing art, without the eye of the local guilds. Soon after the ship was brought to the shore, Caol loved this place so much, that he built a small house and stayed here even for months without leaving the small island. On the forth, year, a  pirate plunder stroke upon Gel'jha, and never mind the citizens managed to fight and banish the pirates, his beloved wife, fell amongst the dead. It was not uncommon in this part of Eldemar, to see a woman swinging a weapon, especially females were trained in hand to hand martial art, to be able to protect themselves and the children, from the various sea and land beasts that could approach them. After the death of Elenti, Caol took their daughter Annin, just a six year old girl then, and moved completely to the small island with the shipwreck. Only every few months they traveled to Gel'jha to organize some things and barter few of Caol's fine crafted daggers, to the more wealthy friends of his past, because the guild laws prohibited to sell at the market, once he left his blacksmithing community.

Unless you purify the unclean body, and create him a new shine, you have perceived less then nothing in this art. - Was speaking Caol to his daughter, giving her the first basic lessons in smiting when she was eleven. Dissolve the body into water. - Said the father, while preparing the crucible. Cleanse the earth with the pure water, - and he carefully mixed the the charcoal with the iron pieces, adding less than a handful of sand. - than the water vapors itself in the air making it enchanted, and you have the power of water, earth, and air now. - the crucible was sealed and lit. After day and a half, the complete cooling was done. Then Caol took the ingot out, and for two days a fine sword has been shaped. Than, a few more cycles of heating and cooling were done, before he put fine layer of clay upon the blade - thicker in the middle, and thinner at the edges. The covered sword was taken once more into the furnace. When the right time came, Caol took the heated blade and together with Annin they ran out quenching it  at the special carved and filled with water tree trunk, sitting out on the shore, looking to the rising sun of the east. The girl took and wielded the steaming sword. A chill through the bones, passed in her body. The earth of the sword remains below, with less most now, which had vapored, so it is now from fiery nature, thus the sword is finished.  - Caol said to her, as their eyes met. This was her first sword, a magic that she would keep inside her heart forever, even if the sword of steel would be shattered. The chill raised and enveloped her skull. She was only eleven.


Caol was not an ordinary man. Long is his legacy and even longer are his years. By many names they call him, and many kings pursue him, for he bowed never to a man, neither a woman. And seventeen years after he lifted by spell and brought the shipwreck to the shore, it was time fore another great challenge - to reveal to Annin, her true bloodline and her true destiny. The dawn rose, and with her Annin too. This morning her father were more silent than ever, just watching at Taja, like the one who lost something would do. Finally he approached, and loudly exclaimed: Dear girl, you are ready! Come with me now, and know the most interesting of my stories. The one that I kept for you all this years, you were growing. And with amazement Annin had the opportunity to hear, about her father past hundreds and hundreds of years, his deeds and his powers, which he rarely showed, thus nobody suspected. And how she is connected with the bloodline of the Dark Spears, long perished protectors and wizards. Now as you are grown, and you swing sword like the wind does with leaf in the autumn, I can say that there is few ways, you would like living, my dear. I know the town folk, you like, but soon bores you, the sitting in one place is also not of your virtue, so you have to go and find your own wisdom. She agree in this right moment, at the words her father had given. Then Caol, yilded to Annin, few useful and valuable items, she took her sword, and never turned back, leaving safety of home, and the fire's night warmth either. When their eyes cathed for last time Caol tought to himself - Beatifull child as Eshui, and brave like Marrthooth, as I see, let the wind guide you, let your soul fly free. And Annin calmly pushed her chin down, as her eyes were still up, like she grasped his thought. Then she turned, with body full of wind. A few strikes with the paddle and the blonde girl was embraced by the sea. Then Caol shouted behind her: And you name kid, Nulien'ne shall be, like the Nuli tail of the Eshui, and the Martooth's long long mustage - En'ne. Let we all float high, Nulien'ne, above the water.


She fished and gathered, ran, helped, explore, fought, killed, and cried. Found men, or men found her, but that did not change her life. A con or a lie, a peaceful resolution, a blood on her feet, a trade or a hunt, to sleep like the beggars, or in the prime town inns - this all was her daily routine. She explored lots of the islands between Auranox and Ursavox. Answered herself a lot of questions, set aims, accomplished, set new, repeated. Sat for a while then went again on some crazy adventure, making life friends, enemies, and her mind, for herself. When she turned twenty-two, a chance, or the hand of fate brought her to a half burned page, from a thorned book. A recipe for a protective bruises herb mixture on the one side and a martial posture, pretty hard to understand on the other. She kept his page, even it was pretty useless. On her next quest to return a captured noble prisoner from one of the tribes Prook, she took a few mercenaries, one of which knew from what book this page come. He told her for a mysterious brotherhood, called themselves along the mighty Shanlong, masters of martial art, living somewhere far, at the high mountains of Auranox. He had been once working for a noble that had one of their books, and the way, that all is written, it seemed this page to be from Shanlong'Jin's book. Thus, by curiosity Nulien'ne got inspired, to venture and see, by her own eyes, if this brotherhood exist.


The Shanlong concentrates energy in its sinuous curves, and coils and uncoils to move along more quickly. It is a mystical creature of all the potential with which form can be charged, a potential that never ceases to be actualized. It presents an image of energy constantly recharged through oscillation from one pole to the other. The Shalong is a constantly evolving creature with no fixed form; it can never be immobilized or penned in, never grasped. It symbolizes a dynamism never visible in concrete form and thus unfathomable. Finally, merging with the clouds and mists, the Shanlong spirit makes the surrounding world vibrate: it is the very image of an energy that diffuses itself through space, intensifying its environment and enriching itself by that aura Shanlong. The old legend says that a lifetime would be not enough to find a Shanlong if you try to persuade him. He is thousand time smarter end quicker than any human. But staying and trying to catch the echo of his flight is the only possible way to meet him. And the few who met him, are said to been loose their mind, going into madness, finally to immerse with the Shanlong and serve him, who in return would give them immortality. The philosophers of Eldemar's Eight Nations have so greatly admired the Shanlong, especially concerning its efficacy and mystery, that they have given him many names, and almost every possible description, for they have not known how to sufficiently praise it. Initially it was named  Venom, Poison, Chambar, because it kills and destroys the Kings and Emperors, whenever it decides, just by passing over their palaces, making the King heart stop in its sleep, like the most potent poison in the world. They called it Spirit - because it flies heavenward, illuminates the bodies of the King, and of the metals, and gives them life. Also Medicine - the one most excellent medicine, for it speedily and marvelously heals all of the maladies and infirmities of mankind and of metals. Heaven, for it is light and bright, indestructible, and is Heaven in operation. Clouds - for it gives celestial water and rain upon its own earth. Dew - for it falls from the air and stimulates the soil, together with that which grows upon it. Shade - for it casts a shadow over the earth and the elements, and causes darkness. Permanent Water - metallic water of life, leafy water. It remains in fire, air, and earth, and cannot be destroyed by any element. Fiery and Burning Water - for it is exceeding hot, melts up all metals more quickly than fuel and flame, yea, melts that which resists fire. Lye - for it washes and cleans the metals, and the garments of the King. Milk of Virgin, or of the Fig, for it renders things sweet, white, delicious, and wholesome. Boiling Milk, for it warms, cooks, whitens, and matures. Honey, for it sweetens, confers a pleasant smell, and renders things delicious and wholesome. A Spiritual Blood - for it is like blood, and so remains, it reddens, vivifies, and has the spirit therein. Bath - for it washes and cleanses the King, and metals, and causes them to perspire. A Syrup - for it is acid, and produces strength and courage. Lead, for it is heavy, and is at first impure; gives color and weight. Sulphur of Nature, Lime, Alum, for it consumes and burns up. Burnt Copper, black Copper, Flower of Copper. But vastly is knows, his name - The Serpent, spelled in the tongue of the ancients, who lived at the time of Jericho  - Shan'long.

Nulien'ne did not found any trace of the brotherhood. But the Shanlong's found Nulien'ne. After she arrived in Kazdabar, the nearest big city from which the Zenit mountain range could be explored, she got in the eye, of the Shanlong's spies. A warrior woman in this parts of Auranox was not common at all, which highly raised the attention of Shanlong'Jin, the only left ancestors of the mostly containing women, union of the Dark Spears. And as swift the Shanlong is... the members of Sganlong'Jin are also. The first circle of the brotherhood, gave orders: She may step through!

-I see you floating - the spy approached.
-And you think your tongue will make my coins come to you, ah woman? Be sure, your rags will be changed, once you stop begging. - Nulien'ne stopped her eyes at the strange looking for a beggar, tattooed hands of the woman.
-Above the water... - continued the spy, slowly.
Calming her mind, Nulien'ne glimpsed through the dress of the beggar, and saw... there was something more...
-Who sends you, and where you heard the words you are spelling? - she replied, but the question has been unanswered.
-Quick. Follow! The Shanlong awaits you... - said the spy and took swift steps around the corner.
From the torso, to the fingertips, than the face, the feet... and back the chest, a heat weaves stroke like lightning Nulien'ne, until the moment she could take her emotions back in balance. In second her feet bent in the knees, and she ran fast... after the woman's disappearing dress.

Method.   Art.   Moral virtue.   Grounding.    Foundation.   Lightness.   Origin.   Source.
This all was written above the door they entered.

A Kingdom Forlorn
"Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity."
-Lao Tzu


The dark shadows of the last age long covered the knowledge possessed by the world of the two cities Saros'an and Avmirat. The empires which they founded and led were forgotten, like never existed. No single word had come from the deep stillness of the ruins of Saros'an, no voice was heard beneath the mounds of Avmirat. It would then have seemed a dream of impossible things to hope that some future day would discover buried libraries in these mounds, filled with books, in which knowledge of great merit dwells.

The long-lost languages in which these books were written were partly recovered, that men could read them and spell properly. From these long-lost, even forgotten materials the history of Saros'an and Evmirat has become known, but indeed, the most important remained hidden. Amongst all the great discoveries, there were several scrolls excavated, which would open a medicine door, as some say, for those who unroll them and listen with keen sense. Seven by number, parts from set of ten, five from the libraries of Avmirat and two from Saros'an, these scrolls held the key to supreme power... and eternal immortality.

But alas, this ale was not ready to drink, as haste and impatience of men, are not known to the gods, neither are consistent in their deeds. The Artosians first tried to feed their hungry souls from the essence of the scrolls, but  the missing three were needed, to complete the key held betwixt the symbols. From a bad seed, and evil chance, Bevadel Kaos, ruler of Artos, had the first touch of the seven scriptures. Favored, by the sharp mind and consistent work, of his Vaalanar monks, had the scrolls translated, for the pleasure of his curiosity ascent. That chance, this moment... he glimpsed the spark, that would start his own stake. He read, over and over the translations, decoding fully the message, and understood what a immortal treasure, the scrolls kept. Swallowed by something bigger than himself, Bevadel held the secret, as newborn, deep in his heart, in the shadow of his innermost being. Many of the knowledgeable, in the essence of the scrolls, concealed deep in their symbols, perished one by one, surely from the hand of mortal, send to set clean their death. Those left alive, were sure to keep their tongues, if not to be cut. Long search from many guilds and adventures, had been led on the possible trails, as Bevadel gave fair price for the possession of the missing parts of the scroll set. Fair, how dare... No price would be enough, if the true power held in the scrolls, was ever announced. But all secrets are doomed to be revealed. And this time came. Whilst no sign or word  from the missing "Three History Scrolls" as Bevadel claimed them before the hasty for wealth hunters, appeared - the King became despair. The fear rotted and weakened his heart. And with no more roots to hold it, the newborn slipped and fell vivid, for the eye of the vermin, crawling beneath, amongst the dirtiest parts of the kingdom.

The world of rumors, is like underground maze with halls and  tunnels. The echo strikes with ease the furthest twist and corner. Bevadel suffered from his own echo and was forced to raise the shields of Artos, to the north and to the west, as Yael Iontar, leading the Harkens, known for his peaceful and diplomatic rulership, and Jew'laker Ofsgal, king of the Surmess Kingdom, by deceive manner and false reasons stepped into Artosian domain. The King realized - the cloth of silence had been lifted. By what chance, or whom tongue, his rage could not disclose. And as many suffered his anguish, the spell has been cast on all Artos.


Swift with the harsh winter Jew'laker led the Surmesses by himself with claims of cleaning a plague arrived to his land from the Artosians, nevermind the worst that the gods brought to his tenants in this season, was the harsh winds from the coast, which could soften an unquenched bone in hours. But that for the Surmesses was nothing to complain, as all their kind knew well the wild behavior of Taija, the playful goddess of the see. Alarmed, Bevadel positioned his forces in the battle camps on the four hills only rising in the Valley of Zales  around Tahjasul, the ancient capital, situated on the fork where the Maskan and Kaleem rivers gather to continue towards the lands of the Surmesses and meet their destiny, joining and giving their power to Taija.

The danger cleansed Bevadel's mind and by advice of his Strategic Alsens, the plan was set. The four bulwarked hills around Tahjasul, kept the main fortress at safe from the sout-west. To the north-east and east, Maskan and Kaleem were obstacles, for any army bigger than a few hoards. Knowing that Jew'laker is comming for the scrolls, Bevadel waited patiently. It was not even a half moon until the first night scouts shouted that the incoming threat is in distance of a horse-strength. Small escenell of no more than 300 horses was send ahead, and a message of peace has been delivered to Jew'laker. Bevadel knew that the word of peace will do no well, to keep back one, in a thirst for immortality. "Like a lamb that's strapped for water", he said to himself, imaging the face of his aggressor. The wheels of the trap were rolling, thus was not at all surprise, the immediate execution of the three messengers. The sacrifice did well. After returning to his positions Bevadel kept distance and let the time do its biding. Safe behind the walls of Tahjasul, and well protected from frontal attack by the four hill fortresses, he put the Surmesses in parang, or said - craving for breath. Without peradventure, the hand of Artos knew what must be done, and executed it, with glare in the eye. He aimed straight to Jew'laker, knowing well his beseech for power, as it was dwelling well also, in Bevadel's stomach. That weakness made them brothers, and the brother slain brother with it.

Three sunsets went along the pools of Maskaleem, as the troops of Bevadel testified to be contempt of direct battle, never mind the Artosians were not in minor number at all. Parang clenched in bound of iron teeth the soul of Jew'laker, and on the forth sunrise, the bttle raged with vigor of a bear. Pale faces covered the path to the main wall of Tahjasull in just two hours, and after two more as the flames and earthblood lit this pale pyre, the Surmesses saw themselves undone in front of the impenetrable iron and stone of Tahjasul. Tasting the blood of their own, dozen times more than the enemy, the horror reflected amplified in the flames. But Jew'laker did not compromised numbers, and send forces along the side wall to the south, trying to cross Kaleem, and hitting by suprise in the east. And that would turn the stones of victory, but not against an old fortress like Tahjasull. At midnight while the half forces of Jew'laker had suscesfully passed along the eight bridges of Kaleem, hidden underneath, few dozens of Artosians, lit the prepared beforehand trap, combusting and destroying the bridges in minutes, while the main gate of Tahjasul opened, and the main force, the most fearful weapon of Artos was put in hand. Seven thousand on horseback, rushed behind the lines, of the stuck before the burning bridges, Surmess sgan. The arrows flew in the air, faster and bitter than any wind Tija ever send to men. Seeing his failure from the other side of Kaleem, under the hammer of Artos, Jew'laker rushed his left forces towards the eastern wall in despair, just to be met with well prepared feather and flame. The fear came over the thirst, and also by the numerous advices of his prime alsens, for immediate retreat, the beast turned his bloody tail, and ran towards the west, leaving the wounded behind. He perished away, swallowing his bitter spittle, like running scared from the morning sun. Four of five Surmessians were lying dead, as the dawn brought silence on the battlefield. And like the horror from the last night, compelled even the gods to suffer, a dripping rain, immersed with the blood of the fallen, inviting the souls of the dead for their eternal journey.


Eight moons after the victory at Tahjasul, the Artosian army left the capital, moving towards the north to defend against the plundering Harkens from the north. Motivated and twice strong, the power of Artos counted eleven thousand men, from witch, eight thousand - Artosian mounted pikes known for their skill and tactics well beyond the borders of  Zales and Artos. The rest contained Marsh Kalbans, Kaleem Ublugs, and Puscheners from the highlands. All diplomatically allied tribes from the south and east, plus few escenells of mercenaries. Menawhile, Yaer Iontar withraw the Harken's forces back to his landings - a sign for weakness at first sight. That was the also the refection in the eye of Bevadel. Seeing his opponents running, he felt the gods on his side, and decided to finish with iron fist the intrigues, at both north and west. Half of his army was sent to finish Jew'laker, as the Surmesses  were still exposed and weak. For leader of the assault, assigned was Gartol, Bevadel's best alsen, who sworn before the peach tree flowers, to bring the head of the Surmessian Cheaf in Tahjasul. With the rest army, which was enough to swipe twice the forces the Harkens had, leading them by himself, Bevadel continued the chase of Yaer the Silver-tounge. After eight days he overcome the Tuh'huk'lar pass of the Horelian mount entering the domain of Harken. Villages and tows have been lit aflame and plundared, colecting loot reverent even for a king. But the loot was not the purpose of Bevadel, he smelled the fear of Harken and was ready to punish Yaer's contrariness. Yet the thought of the scrolls reminded him of the artistry by which Iontar could invite him out of Zales, the prefered battleground fo Bevadel. Never mind, even amongst the rock of Horelian his number was high above the Harkens, and if Yael would dare to claim the scrolls, he would be called a madman. And madman he was...

Yael, called by many, the Silver-toungue, accepted great danger in his lands, leaving some of the most precious towns and castles, to be rid of life, and covered by dust. He knew the power of his south neighbor, and the tough ally he had to accept three winters ago, for keeping his kingdom whole. But the gods favor madness, this was his chance to show how the Harken tribes survived, through the constant unfavorable chances, and handicap battles of the past several generations, keeping their borders intact. And it was not only factor of their habitat. The mountains ranges gave them shelter, but the silence by witch they operated, and their determination, revealed strength keener than a sword. In that way Yael planned to subdue the Artosians, whenever they at least expect it. More villages fell in the feet of Bevadel, but Yael move no muscle, even his people started to wonder about their leader. Is he with his mind? And the day the Silver-tongue waited finally came. The monster of Artos rose in front of his walls. Bastioned in the cant of Duerengal Heks, Yael accepted the siege of the Artosians with perseverance, like the mountain by itself, was standing in his figure. More than a moon Bevadel was trying to overcome the fortress by force, but it stood as firm as in the beginning. So he decided do bring Harken to despair, poisoning the waters of Duerengal Heks, leaving the Yael's men only to the favor of the rain. This was done, but the moment of victory slipped away. The chill, cold weather, and the lack of action demotivated Bevadel's army, so the moment for executing of Yael's sinister plan was most clear . Shadows from the hills infiltrated the Artosian forces. But not shadows of a trees, yet sly man from a flesh and bone, assigned to reach the heads of the several different structures, from which was Bevadel's army was composed. And they did their most extraordinary task.

On the coldest morning, that the Artossians could remember, if they lived to, The flag of Harken rose high, as unexpectedly Yael led his forest hammer out of the fortress, straight in the face of Bevadel. The pikes of Zales were in no use of this terrain, so by sword in hand all main power of Artos rushed against the mad Yael. Artos stroke, but his allies waited. Battle horns called them passionately, but they were standing still, as just visitors of a play. The armor clashed in armor, and shield pushed the shield before. Rock slipped underneath the feet of Yael's guardians, but they bravely held the lines, against the numerous opponent. The wind changed diretions like mad singing in horror, trough the pine of the hills. The Silver-tongue, sharper than a crystal fragment, split and raked Bevadel, deeply in his heart, as all the Kalbans, Kaleem Ublugs, and Puscheners rushed in his back, confusing and slaughtering upon their recent ally. Bevadel fell, between the hammer of the forest and the anvil of the greed. For just one thing he was sorry - to be cheated and defeated, before he could reached his immortal aim.

The bodies were buried and the wealth of the just ended Artosian campaign, split between the renegade tribes. For their betrayal, they were rewarded, all the loot from the battle, which their greedy hearts desired most. Just the kings's belongings were given to Yael in honor. Yet Yael remained confused and silet this day. A triumphal celebration was raised in just two days after the fight finished. There, twice more words were spoken, and thousand more manipulations were swiftly sewn into place. Together the tribes were strong, but by themselves this army would not work, if was not Bevadel or Yael's hand to imply a rule - by force, deceit or conspiracy. The silver-tongue knew well, that right after his influence is lost, the tribes will  get against each other, as the links between will disappear. By Koj'elpas, the god of lies and desires, their minds has been sealed. The first theft happened just day after the tribes started their trvell, back to Zales, as at dawn, three carts of loot, belonging to the Kalbans were found missing, with guards killed. The conflict, straight and vivid, were led by sword and shield. And three times more they met each other, on their journey to the lowlands, as each tribe was lustful than the other. They fought with no direction, like a scared dogs, hungry for meat, blind for the upcoming doom, from the lion near. The last of the bloodshed between the Kalbans, Puscheneers and Ublugs happened on the border of Zales and Horelian. And there their bones still lie, right between the clean streams of Nagrol and Amprolex. As the Marsh Kalbans were standing strongest of the three, they chased the Ulbugs and Puscheneers trough all the turning paths of Horelian, until the pursued, found themselves in position, to leave their loot, or raise weapons against the Marsh people. Despite the try of few individuals to desert with clear reason, on the second choice they gave their vision. Meanwhile serving a victory over the Surmesses, and bringing the head of Jew'laker with himself, the best of Artos alsens was on his way to help the siege of Duerengal Heks, when scouts send him the news of Bevadel's misfortune. At this bloody day,  each of the vanquishing tribes fought two ways. Like three vultures hanging over carrion, spreading and pulling their wings, hitting and retreating. Flapping and staring, trying not to give an opportunity to their opponents, just after they got a bite. And just as the battle of the vultures raged in this whirlwind, from the shadow, the most of the evil gods appeared. Anger and frustration in the face of Gartol, hailed with thunder from his horsemen in this battle mess, where death itself was a banner-bringer. His all anger quenched in the steel of his Zalesian horsemen, cut deep in the infantry of the betrayal tribes. And in this moment, as the skies could not got blacker, from the north, the Silver-tongue appeared. The ground shook under the swoop of horse and men, as the betrayers, got first smashed and slaughtered, by the elite pike wielders, and nailed with arrows, via the sharp eye of the northern forest-men. The battle then, turned back for moment, just to implode again, between the rivers. Majestic were the Harkens, and like immortal fought the pikes of Artos, but by sunset, the arrow of the forest overcame the Gartol's vigor... His anger and emotion could not deflect the madness cold, with witch the Silver-tongue led his intrigue. The Tehjasul fell in the knees of the forestmen. That was the end of Artos, and if not the curse-full death of Yael, on the Surmessian Kingdom the same fate would be given. Hurling himself in frantic search of the Immortal scrolls, which was not to be found neither in Tehjasul's keep, nor in Bevadels personal belongings, the soul of Yael swelled and perished, his mouth got dry, and the light of his eyes slowly disappeared. His son then took the mountain bow, and in mind more clear, stated Tehjasul the new capital of Harken, condemning his father's passion of the scrolls, which by himself was sawn as illness, as he did not knew the true reason. Seasons rolled, and  never found, nor heard, the scrolls remained hidden.


Before his end to come, just in the middle of his journey  towards Duerengal Heks, Bevadel sent back to Tehjasul the scrolls, in secrecy, suspecting the danger in the essence of Yael's retreat after his plunder. The Vaalanaars kept by order of the King everything secret. But after his death, using the chaos, the monks took their chance, collected the scrolls and vanished to the south, where further traces are missing. Several guilds still search for the Vaalanarian monks, but that effort is waste, as long time passed, since Tehjasul's old glory of the Artosian helm, lies long forgotten by men. Our only hope for revealing what was the secret in the scrolls, or where the and by what reason the Vaalanarian monks could take them is to search amongst the traces of the culture and knowledge, left to us by the two great cities of the past - Saro'san and Avmirat. If we succeed to glimpse in their soul, this would open a door and shine on our way of revealing this mystery.

Pushed by desire and curiosity I dedicated the last years of my earthly journey, seeking that mystery, as just few others do. And by will not of my possession, I was brought again at the beginning of the saga - the ruins of Saros'an. There, with five more companions, which I hired, as the work was not for one man, we explored the long forgotten ruins and tombs os Saros'an once more. Nasty creatures  were living now there, in the long open after the first excavations, sheltering underground labyritnhs of the burried city. One of our party fell ill and died from the poison of this dark living creatures, but AT the end oUr search was greatly gifted, as the Gods gave us fortune. In the deepest part of the underground city labyrinth, one of my men, who was leading us, slipped to a bone and in the shallow light he tried to lean his back against the wall. He was hevy and strong man, and the body impact wasl so strong, that the mortar, crumbled out of the stone. But this would bring us any suspicioun for what lays behind the wall if was not his firey character. He threw words of death at the bone, the wall, and aslo to the wall mortar,  which entered his eyes. Swinging his battle hammer, he crusshed the bones at the ground to dust, than roared, hitting with all his strenght against the wall... Thick were built the walls of Saros'an, even inside the city quarters, and nobody expected anything to happen. But the Gods had another plan for this day. Unther the weight of his massive hammer, the stone shattered... leaving a hole to let a small dog in. The next momment was occupied by our astounishment. Than we all started to make our way trough the stone. We entered, our torches threw shadows at the small room. Dust and web was all around, but there were still uncouched candles to be lit. At second look we understood, this  had been once a scribing room, situated in more private space, not at the Kings libraries. Books and wood were well preserved, as the doors which was to the other side, were still sealed. We were the first who let the moist and wind inside, after ages of stillness. For two day we searched through the scriptures of this room. And on the second day, at the most unexpected place, at the samll side table, I took in my hands few leather cases. Unrolling them, a light feeling passed trough my spine. This was a sign, the Gods were speaking, my work was done. I realised in this moment... I held the three mising scrolls of Saros'an. Taking them, and few precious books also, we went back, as our provisions were getting less. And now as I hear, another adventureres were visiting that room, and extracting its treasures, just moon or two after us. But the scrips of great value were send in my hands not theirs, and this would be with reason. I dont see them as mine, but as common, connected to all nations, treasure. However the seven scrolls from the legend are still missing, laying hidden somewhere, I shall not do the same mistake as Bevadel and his forlorn lost Kingdom, trying to keep all fruit for my gardens. No, I shall plant the seed here, amongst my brothers and sisters. Copies of this cript I prepared, and send to every library I know, as you are probaly holding one fo them. Here I am spending my ink, to translate for you all, the missing three, of the mighy ten scrolls of Saros'an and Avmirat. Let the gods speak!

All genuine and judicious philosophers have traced back things to their first principles, that is to say, those comprehended in the threefold division of Nature. The generation of animals they have attributed to a mingling of the male and female in sexual union; that of vegetables to their own proper seed; while as the principle of minerals they have assigned earth and viscous water. All specific and individual things which fall under a certain class, obey the general laws and are referable to the first principles of the class to which they belong. Thus, every animal is the product of sexual union; every plant, of its proper seed; every mineral, of the mixture of its generic earth and water. Hence, an unchangeable law of Nature regulates the generation og everything within the limits of its own particular genus. It follows that, with reference to their origin, animals are generically distinct from vegetables and minerals; the same difference exists respectively between vegetables and minerals and the two other natural kingdoms. The common and universal matter of these three principles is called Chaos.

Four are the elments contained in the world - fire, air, water, and earth, by the mixture and motion of which the forms of all earthly things are impressed upon their subjects. These elements have four qualities: heat, coldness, humidity, dryness. The first inheres in fire, the second in water, the third in air, the fourth in earth. By means of these qualities, the elements act upon each other, and motion takes place. Elements either act upon each other, or are acted on, and are called either active or passive. Active elements are those which, in a compound, impress upon the passive a certain specific character, according to the strength and extent of their motion. These are water and fire. The passive elements - earth and air - are those which by their inactive qualities readily receive the impressions of the aforesaid active elements. The four elements are distinguished, not only by their activity and passivity, but also by the priority and posteriority of their motions. Priority and posteriority are here predicated either with references to the position of the whole sphere, or the importance of the result or aim of the motion. In space, heavy objects tend downwards, and light objects upwards; those which are neither light nor heavy hold an intermediate position. In this way, even among the passive elements, earth holds a higher place than air, because it delights more in rest; for the less motion, the more passivity. The excellence of result has reference to perfection and imperfection, the mature being more perfect than the immature. Now, maturity is altogether due to the heat of fire. Hence fire holds the highest place among active elements. Among the passive elements, the first place belongs to that which is most passive, the most quickly and easily influenced. In a compound, earth is first passively affected, then air. Similarly, in every compound, the perfecting element acts last; for perfection is a transition from immaturity to maturity. Water acts on earth, and transmutes it into its own nature; fire heats air, and also changes it into its own likeness. Elementary fire and air, being naturally subtle, cannot be seen. Only two elements, water and earth, are visible, and earth is called the hiding-place of fire, water the abode of air.

Metals are nothing, but mercury digested by different degrees of heat. Different modifications of heat cause, in the metallic compound, either maturity or immaturity.The mature is that which has exactly attained all the activities and properties of fire. Such is gold. The immature is that which is dominated by the element of water, and is never acted on by fire. Such are lead, tin, copper, iron, and silver.Only one metal - gold, is absolutely perfect and mature. Hence it is called the perfect male body. The rest are immature and, therefore, imperfect. The limit of immaturity is the beginning of maturity; for the end of the first is the beginning of the last. Silver is less bounded bu aqueous immaturity than the rest of the metals, though it may indeed be regarded as to a certain extent impure, still its water is already covered with the congealing vesture of its earth, and it thus tends to perfection. This condition is the reason why silver is everywhere called by the Sages of Eldemar - the perfect female body. All other metals differ only in the degree of their imperfection, according as they are more or less bounded by the said immaturity; nevertheless, all have a certain tendency towards perfection, though they lack the aforesaid congealing vesture of their earth. This congealing force is the effect of earthy coldness, balancing its own proper humidity, and causing fixation in the fluid matter. The lesser metals are fusible in a fierce fire, and therefore lack this perfect congealing force. If they become solid when cool, this is due to the arrangement of their aforesaid earthy particles. But what is gold, if not an immature metal, transmuted in different state, just by the proper conditions.

"The day returns, but nevermore
 Returns the traveler to the shore,
         And the tide rises, the tide falls."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As one journey ends, another begins.
Who will tell, what winds brought us to write the previews chapters.
Who will challenge the omniscient, and present a reason for this bridge. There is none.
The bridge is the reason for itself.
And now as it is finished, all that is left for us is to vanish. "Walk it narrow, walk it clean..."
The one who sails on the same ship, will soon get a sea madness.
While, we mortal men think, we could reach the perfection, or sustain the current state of being, our realm of existence has already been changed, by another strange reflection, another moment, another perfection...
So let's not all day stay on this bridge, maybe it is time to leave...
Here's what said to me once, The Wize Terrauntmerry, then he stroke me with his great poem...

"Someone are striving for fullness, others are looking for emptiness, and in between, the gods are laughing upon us."

The black cat approaches
by Terrauntmerry the Wize

By pounding heart the wish - Is born.
For what's inside the eye - Unfolds.
The real passion cuts - The rope.
Forever turned - Forever one.
Try this ale - You'll ask for more!

All about is only breathin',
No more or less, and no solution,
Of how to get, and when to rest.
No rules, nor sign, it's bane, a hex!
On thunderpath, we sail,
Forever turned, explorers mad.
Always half way done,
And two times, more to get.
This is our home - beneath the crest!

Rattle skin - you're awake!
Another breath - another debt.
Devil cares! - Hell awaits...
Holding oath - in blood quenched,
Sinking, sucking, rising...
Then again dissolving, in the end.
As the black cat approaches -
Swallowed by the omniscient,
There - my silver shade remains...

"...into the sky and fly"